in this video I take a look at the changes that tahm kench will be having on the pbe. cant wait till it hits live servers. tahm kench top will be fun


29 thoughts on “TAHM KENCH REWORK IS HERE – UNBENCH THE KENCH? | League of Legends”

  1. I don't know how to feel about these changes. It seems like they nerfed Tahms dueling ability to buff his team fighting, which is great and all, but I can't help but feel that he loses a bit of his identity. Now he just seems to be a generic tank. I just hope his dive is quick, or he won't be agile enough to burst people.

  2. I feel like the nerfs to his dueling ability and the ally shield will push him to the be a support which I really don’t mind I used to only play him as support and I’d love to see him in the botlane again. I say there’s gonna be a 60/40 split with his roles

  3. Overall i dislike the changes, Top lane his going to feel bad he has no more dueling, and your not really going to build frostfire gauntlet like you want to because he will be better in support. His dmg is too low to jg which is a shame. I think his numbers need to go up, but from what i see he feels squisher and does less dmg so he can knock people up. you can say his ults got 60% more dmg but also has a cooldown that is 7x longer. and other plays are still bad in solo q and will always spam click so they will be spat out your mouth with will cause frustration for mains as instead of the small punishment of a basic ability it means there entire ult has been wasted.

    also if its ult a ult i don't think he needs to be slowed anymore.

    If they want to go with this new kit style, undo stat nerfs or give him better-dueling stats or ways to clear the jg effectively so he can be played jg. Or remove the movement speed debuffs when he eats people. All i see is "tahm can no longer duel top meaning he won't really be a toplaner as he can't duel, can't really win lane and he no longer got a massive ult to make global plays. So his pushed out of top. he can't eat camps normally so he can't jg.. his forced into support, he will be a good roam support but you will be punished for your team mates mistakes with 110 second cooldown. and you will be easier to poke out all so you have an enage knock up.

    First the mundo rework numbers are too low, now tahm kench is having his numbers way too low. Riot doesn't really feel like they care much about the reworks anymore. Warwick was the last great one, the other reworks have killed fan champions completely destroying their play styles. Shyvana now goes AP and no one enjoys playing against it. Poppy lost everything and became a caster which was nerfed so no one plays it unless they want to counter-pick. Aatrox is now a caster and was reworked as soon as people fell in love with old aatrox. Mundo was reworked only to not be able to run people down anymore his stats so much worse and he barely heals now.. his new ult feels more like Olaf ult when you ult just for the extra AD to kill someone. You don't get massive hype cutscenes or anything to show the passion they put into the champion. It just comes out and exists and will be a failure. Rammus mini rework one was bad and just made him worse so he gets kited easily then they reworked him again and now his ult is clunky and lame, and just acts as another way to close the gap, but his base dmg is so low its pathetic. ADCS can never 1v1 and his whole theme was the ADC counter so this first rework gave counterplay to make your q easy to cancel, and so you can run away when presses w. then he was reworked again so now you can press R to avoid your q getting canceled. like what.. oh his bad cus people now counter his q easily.. okay lets rework it so he can ult to avoid it.. Why not just revert the old Q change, keep the awful w change and give him his new ult but increase base dmg or make it so its always a knock-up so he has more than 2 cc abilities. As of right now, your ult doesn't knock up unless you are Q-ing and you still lose the Q effect after you ult even if you miss.

    They need to stop trying to balance with mobility. Champions made slow and immobile as a way to punish or kite them then they give those champion dash items which they are now taking away while letting adcs keep there mobility creep. You got RELL that will always be partially bad because shes a dive champion that can't get out of TOWER aggro when she dives. because they balanced her CC around being slow when shes off horse. I mainly think this is to stop it from being insane in pro play, as that's where she shines. Even though you can pick naut for just as much if not more CC, more consistent CC too. Don't know why they don't make it so when rell loses her shield after going in walking form she gets movement speed back that way its thematics you got though her armor (shield) shes now more mobile then you get faster with your horse. It even matches her cinematic hten.

    Eitherway riot has been really disappointing with their design direction and these is just a few issues i have. I think their balance department is just really bad at the job. and it feels like they are trying to meet quota's rather then actually fix issues or make a better designs. "Old champion this year changed to say we made them better check.. hmm what next on the list.. okay don't have to change this champion to next year." "hey bill are people making engough noise about these champions issues yet that we need to make another small change? No. okay save it for next year"


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