Teaching iTemp how to play Apex Legends PROPERLY

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Teaching iTemp how to play Apex Legends PROPERLY. As many of you know, iTemp has no idea what he is doing when it comes to playing with professional losers, and today we force the synergy required to pull off a win…at least, that was the plan…

#ApexLegends #ApexiTemp #ApexSeason7


28 thoughts on “Teaching iTemp how to play Apex Legends PROPERLY”

  1. Properly
    I imagine I'm about to see some shit along the lines of "If I don't drop in capital city on top of 5 other squads I'm gonna have a fucking stroke"
    That just seems to be what 90% of the player base consider to be standard procedure lmao

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    I have subscribed to your C h a n n e l 😉 Perhaps, You can do the same and we will become "real" Youtube friends

  3. This is the first time YouTube has recommended this person’s videos and I’m extremely happy about it. I have another great Apex content creator to watch. Heard the since of humor and immediately followed 😁


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