Teemo but with Magic Mushroom Powers – League of Legends

Teemo but with Magic Mushroom Powers – League of Legends

➽➽ Second Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqMjtu8X-baDnfyuCvbi5rg
➽➽ Twitch: twitch.tv/manco1
➽➽Twitter: twitter.com/Manco1lol
➽➽ TikTok: tiktok.com/@manco1lol?lang=en
➽➽ Instagram: instagram.com/manco1lol

Team PMA
Team Positive Mental Attitude (PMA) is a Twitch stream team that I created for League of Legends streamers who are always trying to look on the bright side and bring good to the rift.

For more info + where you can find all things Team PMA:

⮞ Website/Merch: https://pma.gg/
⮞ Twitch: twitch.tv/pmastreamteam
⮞ Twitch Team:.twitch.tv/team/teampma
⮞ Youtube: youtube.com/channel/UCcMuD4AYswi9b3PNY7-whsg
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⮞ Discord: https://discord.gg/HaSbS5T

#teemo #leagueoflegends #manco1 #mancoteemo #riotgames #teemotop #teemoguide #teemobuild


9 thoughts on “Teemo but with Magic Mushroom Powers – League of Legends”

  1. Is glacial augment working for you? I'm trying this new rune page for movement speed. Glacial, Footwear, future market, approach velocity, and as second I used Celerity with water walker. This build is more objective oriented but I am pretty sure it would do well in team fights. If only I could test this theory but the game keeps switching my glacial for first strike. Like, why?


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