The 3 Things I WISH I KNEW as Support! – League of Legends

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22 thoughts on “The 3 Things I WISH I KNEW as Support! – League of Legends”

  1. Playing Xerath mid / support: Sure I can walk into the jungle without vision without dieing…. I am a piece of paper that gets shredded by a jungler who misses 2 oit of 3 spells 😂😂😂😂.

  2. I need to work on my roams so great vid but the problem is that my adc will always bitch and complain because I'm not there then proceed to knowingly overextend just because they're impatient and dumb then run it down and say "supp never in lane gg"
    It's insane how much adcs rely on their supp till they're 10/0 and say "ggez all me adc gap" as though they wouldn't be crying without their supp to spoon feed them kills

  3. Naut only is there a pyke but it is NAUT a standard bot lane. But worry NAUT it's challenger jahahwhashehrjwkdkdoldil we jeWkKske groan you would think he would go back to lane but it's NAUT nessasary

  4. The first concept is dogshit. People have no idea what to do with the "pressure" that you provide. I really love having to lane 1v2, having no way of getting farm then get stomped by enemy's solo lanes, because support's roams did nothing. So, the first concept should be kept for "higher brackets of the ladder".

    However, sometimes roams indeed worked, but that doesn't happen frequently.

  5. in low elo your mistakes on support begin with your champion pick, if your gold elo and below and you pick something like soraka, yuumi or lulu, youve already lost, instead pick something "offmeta" like fizz, talon or pantheon and roam arround and kill people, you will win way more games this way (provided your actually good at the game).

  6. they are pretty much correct about everything here, but it is even more tilting if your jungler is at a constant numbers advantage and he still gets shit on 2v1, if your jungler is autofilled or bad, you should probably still dodge to prevent this. or well your other option would be to not roam at all as support if your jungler is bad, but then you kinda lost in champ select, like i said pretty much. think of it this way, as support you can make your jungler twice as good as he normally would be, but 2 times 0 is still 0 at the end of the day xD ive had games where i killed the enemy jungler 5 times in a row in their jg 1v1 and somehow my jungler was still down in level and cs, in soloqueue anything can happen.

  7. Okay, but what about Sona? like honestly, if I'm roaming around at level 3, I don't think anyone who sees me alone is going to think I'm a threat or applying any kind of pressure, and unless I go all in on a damage build, they're right

  8. Yes sure, in low elo your adc will play safe and never goes when you engage, but as soon as you leave lane for 1 second, they engage ALONE 1v2, ping you for not being there, type in all chat to report support, than proceed to afk

  9. As I am watching this video that is heavily centered around roaming as a support u forgot to mention the timing where u are allowed to roam how much time u can and the support match up in order to prevent ur adc to get dove

  10. Sounds good doesnt work in low elo. ADs have a very bad habit in trying to 1v2 when you are gone, you can make a good engage 2v2 but adc refuse to follow up cause he made an professional analysis in 0,1 sec which says you cant win the fight, but wont hesitate 2 min later to try a pure 1v2 and shockingly die.

    Also I think the video ignores alot of other problems with sup roaming, the AD can be zoned out from gaining CS, enemy bot earning plate gold etc. I think supports need to be very careful when to roam and when to not.

  11. I already knew and do those things, but always a good video to remind me to do it more often. Problem is though most silver-plat supports probably wouldnt roam more from lane cause the ptsd of adcs raging and in worse cases afking/ragequitting cause they dont get the game and starts dying when you are not around to babysit them 24/7


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