The 3 Things I WISH I KNEW in League of Legends

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23 thoughts on “The 3 Things I WISH I KNEW in League of Legends”

  1. 4:22 I determine it a real win semi based off how long the match went. Usually games just get prolonged in my opinion, because people typically make overly greedy plays that they had no real business making anyway. I mean sure sometimes you'll randomly get a double out of a situation, but you end up dying. I just find more often than not, it's just flat out not worth the unnecessary risk.

  2. Dude, the way you explained the "dont hesitate" tip was so useful. I'm stuck in gold 1 and I notice that I hesitate when deciding to farm or team fight. Then again I'm a nasus main so I'll most likely chose to farm stacks lol

  3. its also like a soccer match, player jgl running str8 to top, not stalling:

    … is like catching a ball pass from ur top laner. if this is meta, running str8 to top as jgl,,, time for gank wil ALWAYS be the same,, as seen by the toplaner,, thrust me, i am jax main top/jgl/mid/bot ,,, I started gold plat now catching 80 pct wr players as enemies in toplane where they start their new journeys, in medium iron … with a team of 10-40 pct wr players …. when team knows ur pace, not stalling,,, ITS MUCH BETTER ;;; HIDE IN BUSH IS THE MOST TROLLING NAME EVER !!!!

  4. I fully agree on using vods for coaching you think you did your BEST in; where you don't know what your mistakes are. When you're with a coach who has more knowledge than you, using your perceived best games are infinitely more valuable imo. It's frustrating seeing youtube "coaches" asking for player's worst or average games, padding coaching time pointing out mistakes the player themselves already know they did.

  5. Being in Bronze, I find myself doing really badly in every aspect of the game to the point where I have no idea what area to try to improve in. My decision making is so terrible that watching my vod reviews makes me cringe so badly xD


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