The 5 Ways to INSTANTLY IMPROVE Your MECHANICS! – League of Legends

The easiest ways to get better mechanics in League!
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Guide description: In this guide you’ll learn how to significantly improve your mechanics in league of legends with input buffering, animation cancelling, attack champions only, smart casting, and better mouse control!

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26 thoughts on “The 5 Ways to INSTANTLY IMPROVE Your MECHANICS! – League of Legends”

  1. I already am doing all of these, except the last toggle, because it takes more time to press a button and let go, then to hold it down, in case I want to auto a minion in between for some reason, after all. League is a game of milliseconds.

  2. I actually prefer Quick cast with indicator. There are only a few champions where it doesnt allow me to normal cast (Karthus Q for example) but most of them are quick cast as usual, but if you hold own the key, you can aim

  3. Self Cast is important to when u can self cast one ability like karma (E), Kayle (R), Lee Sin (W) instead of moving your courser to your champion and lose some time, u just self cast it and there u win time for reacting to the opponent

  4. This is not Rivens double cast. In the clip Riven cancels the W animation with E and Q comes after, the actual double cast is E into WQ, so Q and W overlap within one animation.

  5. wtf im pretty sure most golds got that good mechanics that they dont click like 10 m awaqy from their champion like annie in the example.
    even me as a silver doesnt do that THIS badly

  6. The Riven one is shown incorrectly; you are supposed to E and then wait a short duration before doing W+Q. You can also auto after the E and it is the same timing. If done correctly the W and Q should come out at the same exact time, not one after the other.


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