The Apex Legends Community Is MAD…

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The Apex Legends community is mad at me…what did i do???

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30 thoughts on “The Apex Legends Community Is MAD…”

  1. Not having any LTM’s in as long as we have and then only regurgitating the same mode as last year is a perfectly valid reason to call them out. I retweeted your post before I even saw this video. The only reason to not put LTMs in the game like they used to has to be do with they are scared of breaking the servers again and again.

  2. Are you seriously getting attacked for an opinion on shadowfall? The Halloween event? Are people okay? Maybe sweat and them forgot to change their Depends. It’s an opinion about a ltm as if asking for more is not what everyone wants. Who are these fucking clowns? I swear I sub to some of those dudes and then find out they all have empty craniums. Idk if I would even be that pressed it’s not different this year but it’s your opinion. What the fuck is wrong with some of these human beings?

  3. TBH I'm only excited for the Ltm cause of the lack of content this season. The last event didnt even have any ltm and the servers crashed so much so I guess any content is fine? I do agree with your tweet tho

  4. I don’t get the whole “negative” thing. Like people just use that term whenever they hear an opinion they didn’t want to hear. Most of the time those people are actually the negative ones, since we have no problem voicing our opinions whilst not letting emotion, or negativity effect what we are trying to say!

  5. I would be excited for the Halloween event if they would fix their servers first I used to play everyday but recently just started losing interest since I can’t get in a game without being kicked. The Halloween event isn’t gonna be good if the servers don’t work

  6. This is why i respect you kijanna because you see things for what they are…wow they made a slight change to the same game mode woaaahhhhhhh my mind is blown. 🤯 game simps sound so dumb when they speak they tweaked 1 tiny thing and thats legit fresh content? No…its not

  7. The actual event playing shadow royale is only a week long this year and for you to get all the new Halloween items unget them from special packs that cost 160 to get everything. No heirloom either.. that's something everyone should be very concerned about

  8. I really don't like anything that's happening but I think we need to give respawn a bit of a break theyre people idk too much correct me if I'm wrong but they can't fix so much and put out amazing content at the same time and the people that work on apex have lives like us and other things to do

  9. I think I get your point tbh, but as someone who's relatively new to the game (started playing in S9) I'm kinda hyped about shadow Royale especially if you get to wallrun like TF2

  10. We played shadowfall once and it had solos and the only time you had a team was when 10 people were left shadow royal you play as team but I prefer the first one same concept but was execute differently

  11. Imo I hate that apex doesn't make a completely different event for Halloween. Ik that it takes time and it's hard work, but you have billions of dollars in revenue and have a player base of around 200,000,000 people and about 70,000,000 of those players are day 1 that will now have played the same event (basically) 3 times. SMH.


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