The Apex Legends HEIRLOOMS Tier List

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I ranked every heirloom since, well, I have them all now… (and then later I ranked every legend in terms of how much of a waifu they are)

#apexlegends #heirloom #tierlist


39 thoughts on “The Apex Legends HEIRLOOMS Tier List”

  1. Let me make this clear, wraiths heirloom is lame as shit, it’s regular Kunai knife, nothing as good as a hatchet with a crow face at the back of it.

  2. Revanent: a tier, it’s really good, but it would be better if the glass shard that impaled him in the trailer would be the blade
    Bangalore: uhhghhhhhh S tier, like cmon, it’s a pilot knife, has a buncha lore behind it

  3. "i dont know why you make a list for heirloom"
    And why people asking for it?

    The heirloom literally dealing
    Same damage whit other heirloom
    Even your fist"


  4. what you could do with the octane heirloom stimming idea is to, inspect the heirloom, and then cancel it after the heirloom stim. Then when you have canceled it, stim IMMEDIATELY and it will give you the effect of stimming with the heirloom. (hold your heirloom out for extra effect.)

  5. Ok I just realized that he put almost the best characters at the bottom, but to be fair I think it’s just his opinion but every character should be the best because it’s everyone’s can play anyone you want it’s not what someone else thinks you should play it’s your choice to play a character that you want to play

  6. I mean, if you can get past the kinda monotone voice, I feel like Bloodhound would be a good person to hang out with, like, yeah, okay, you're probably gonna be hearing a LOT about the Allfather and Valhalla, but Bloodhound is known to be honorable, even respecting those they kill, and genuinely seems kinda nice. Think about it, they kill a lot, but always respect everyone that dies to their hands, in none of their kill quips do they dis-respect their opponents. Ahem, may I mention, "your strength showed life, be proud" they clearly feel remorse for who they kill.

  7. The thing is with octanes heirloom if u use it as a stim and have the mellee weapon out at the same time what mellee weapon would he use because he'd be using the butterfly knife to stim himself ?


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