The Aspect of Dreams- All Cutscenes [World of Warcraft: Shadowlands Lore]

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Aspect of Dreams & Rebirth. All Cutscenes. While delivering a warning to the Winter Queen of Ardenweald from the Primus, we end up nursing a dreamy Wildseed. After an attack by the Drust of Thros, the Winter Queen agrees to awaken the soul of the Dreamer. Yay.

Endscreen Theme Link:

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Of course I added the music in the background silly. I thought this was like a given by now!
Varian Wrynn’s Story & Sacrifice [Full Warcraft Lore]

Illidan Stormrage’s Story & Sacrifice [Full Warcraft Lore]

All WoW Raid Ending Cinematics [TBC – BFA]

Arthas vs. Illidan – Final Battle
#wow #cinematics #Shadowlands

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-Ricky Zulpel
-Thanasi Halim

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Soundtracks/Images Used: (Note- All Credit for music and/or images used belongs and goes to the artists/creators of this amazing music/art. No Copyright Infringement is intended).

A mix of Battle for Azeroth OST – from World of Warcraft & Warcraft 3 OST.

World of Warcraft & Warcraft 3: Reforged belongs to the mighty Blizzard Entertainment.

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33 thoughts on “The Aspect of Dreams- All Cutscenes [World of Warcraft: Shadowlands Lore]”

  1. Hiya Folks! Welcome to the climax of Ardenweald where we manage to rez a giant Brussel Sprout! Glorious day indeed.
    Overall summary. Ardenweald was a beautiful zone, plenty of great VA, with a sweet ending.
    Now can we get Neltharion to return in the next patches? He had such a great human design in Cata that never got used except for the Badlands falcon punch.

  2. As much as I love these… anyone care to explain? Who was the dragon lady? Was she the seed the player had? Or was it something else? Was it the ruler of the final realm who corrupted the dragon? We seem to have the dragon back but the draught is still ravaging that realm? It's a bit like watching a TV series now… cant wait for a new episode. When could we expect the story to continue? 🍿👓

  3. I hate this storyline of the world. They have a crisis on their hands that is forcing them to kill their "children" and they are like: Do you think we should talk to the other realms about this catastrophic event?! NAH. It will be fine!…

  4. It is so wonderful so finally see Ysera again , (check out the play). I am just worried about the Drust involvement now. It would be beyond tragic to lose her again. (Thing with Nozdormu).

  5. I don't like that they brought her back. She was a constellation for pete's sake. She should not have gone to the Shadowlands, Elune saw to it… surely… I know Ardenweald creatures can potentially return to their world… but I feel like hers was one to stay left unsaid, and trapping her in Ardenweald is sucky. I would've liked Deathwing instead, tormented by who he became from the perspective of Neltharion's spirit, and he becomes a protector of Ardenweald. I know people say Deathwing should not go there because of what he became… but Neltharion did deserve to.

  6. Enemy Infiltration – Preface
    – "Balnazzar: My kind are called Nathrezim. Dreadlords, in your tongue. Perhaps Thal'kituun would be more fitting. It means Unseen Guest in our language… Fitting because I have existed here, between the world of the living and the dead, awaiting a moment such as this, under the very noses of the Scourge, without their slightest suspicion." , The Ashbringer Comics.

    *Xal'atath: "One could cross the divide between the Light and Void, and weave a tapestry from strands of both sides…" Meaning, something NEW. Something other than The Cycle.*

    The Winterqueen: "An impossible choice. Yet one that must be made for the good of The Cycle."
    Herald Volazj: "Ywaq maq oou; ywaq maq ssaggh. Ywaq ma shg'fhn." (They do not die; they do not live. They are outside The Cycle.")
    Drust Stele: The Cycle – "The image shows a single tree in multiple states of life. On the right the leaves are small and low to the ground like a sapling. In the center of the tree the branches are tall and strong, the leaves large and open. On the left the branches are thin, broken and mostly bare. The last vestiges of dried red-black pigment cling to the ancient stone to mark fallen leaves. A stylized sun passes over the tree."
    The Naaru cycle between states of light and void. As they were here at the beginning of The Great Ordering. (Elune was present before this.)
    *Xal'atath whispers: "This conflict is but a shadow of an ancient war that predated the meddling of the titans. Infinite armies clashed in ceaseless battle. But I'm sure your little war is impressive… in its own way." (It certainly is…)*
    *Xal'atath whispers: "This trifling skirmish is little more than a distraction. The true battle draws nigh as the circle nears completion."*
    In the Maelstrom, the site of the destroyed Well of Eternity, players can look up and see a Circle of Stars, greatly resembling the way eyeballs are depicted in the cinematic where N'zoth transforms Azshara.
    That Maelstrom, is a hole down into Azeroth's heart. A hole that needs to be filled after all her pain. A perfect place for the wrong entity to get in.
    Il'gynoth: Your coming was foretold in the rings. The long circle is nearly complete.

    1.) They can see all possible futures, something in one of those possibilities got their attention. Where The Cycle can be broken, allowing them a backdoor into the universe; as The Void is not dead or alive, but they require life to manifest. They can't do that if everything is dead…
    Xal'atath whispers: It is ironic that the weakest of us may be the ultimate victor. C'Thun, Yogg-Saron, Y'Shaarj, and… well. Only one would remain to consume the world, that was always meant to be.
    Xal'atath whispers: It was here in ages past that the God of the Deep lost a great battle to the God of Seven Heads. But as was so often the case even defeat ultimately worked in N'zoth's favor.
    Alleria: "The whispers are louder, more insistent, but they do not control me." (I remember a lot of priests and trolls that picked up Xal'atath, saying the exact same thing…)

    2.) Sargeras, lingering at the edges of the universe, watching for a Void incursion, scouring the universe for corruption, must have found out something very dire from their madness. He found out about their attempt to stop Death using the most powerful world soul known. A Void Titan (Titan ++), Azeroth, who is already a huge potential well, will be further empowered by The Void itself, strong enough to beat back Death in all realms and lands, then subdue all other cosmic forces.

    The Void foresaw Death's attempt to invade the universe; a dire situation for The Void. With nothing to corrupt, the war would wage eternally. They need to tip the scales.
    The Cycle is a result of an endless and infinite war between The Light and Void. (Law of Conservation)
    The Void sends the Old Gods into the universe, each one, working on a large set of possibilities. (There are no lies to the Void, all things are truths, which generates madness.)
    The Light creates an army to forcefully convert the entire universe.
    Surely, one of them will get lucky, and find a key to victory in this medium (The Great Dark Beyond/universe) between them.
    They find the N'aaru. They find world souls. Then they find the Nathrezim living on them.
    The Nathrezim, an ancient set of beings, learn of all the cosmic forces and their motivations. With their cunning they notice a pattern: The Cycle. They don't appreciate it and their 'master' is tired of it.

    Naturally cunning, the Nathrezim take the knowledge offered by life, death, light, void, chaos and order so they can find a way to make things anew. Everything that we've done, has been their game.
    They know the Arbiter's core in her chest, is Zovaal's heart. The goal is to steal it, place it back into the cavity in Zovaal's chest.
    Just as they did Sargeras, they will manipulate Zovaal, hiding in plain sight, to end The Cycle and achieve their own goals. They worship six masters, but serve only one.

    QUESTION? (Cosmology Tome: Elune created the N'aaru.) Praying: "Ya know… Elune… we are going through some serious shit down here. You think it's time to, I dunno, SPEAK UP?!" Amen. P.S. "Why exactly are we outside the damn Cycle?!" Amen #2.

    Elune: "I am putting an end to the endless war… the Nathrezim and you are my agents."


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