The Best Legend got NERFED again but it doesn't matter (Evolution Collection Event – Apex Legends)

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►Octane got hit with another nerf this patch, but honestly his jumppad is still awesome and completely useable. The distance has been shortened a tad and his heal isn’t as quick… but I have a feeling Octane will still be a top pick.

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44 thoughts on “The Best Legend got NERFED again but it doesn't matter (Evolution Collection Event – Apex Legends)”

  1. Actually to help out boon with his old lady story of getting rear ended is it's actually the body you want to worry about because all car fenders and bumpers are actually made stupid cheap unless your driving like a truck or an exotic sports car

  2. Revtane meta is a serious issue, I agree with @kandyrew it does appear that maybe coding something like (in ultimate) rev jumping half distance on a jump pad might be a challenge to code for the devs. Probably why they haven’t done it yet.

  3. John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

    This life isn't all there is, heaven and hell are very real and you do not want to go to hell, but Jesus Christ loves you and can save you. If you will ask Jesus Christ with a genuine heart to please forgive all your sins, and come into your heart and please save you, he will save you and you will soon know how real he is. God bless.

  4. Apex team: ok we need to nerf revtane
    Apex team member: let’s near octane since he is the most played character of all
    Another team member: let’s get ride of the disabling ability of revs tactical and let’s just make it so revs ult only has 2 seconds also let’s give octane a buff to his passive
    Apex team: great idea let’s do that

  5. Much as I've been a defender of the octane nerf (because it is still too strong as a general respositioning and escape tool and because it refreshes so quickly) I agree that the more obvious fix for the Revtane Ramptane problem is just to block the ability to jump pad with those abilities active.

  6. Lost a close friend in a car accident just yesterday. I’m absolutely devastated, but I’m going to do right by their memory. My heart goes out to anybody who’s ever experienced the loss of a family member or somebody close to them.

  7. I think an jump pad rampart exclusive nerf
    could be "if sheila is in rampart's hand she cant to the horizontal jump(crouch into jumppad)
    So rampart cant rush in with her team with sheila completely ready
    slide > jumppad > starting loading sheila midair > wont be able to rain bullets midair

  8. Octane abilities did not need nerf the main shit that annoys the most and needs to be fixed is that octane has no f audio specially while using the jump pad. A whole team lands on your head shoot u in the butt and u have no idea there is an army behind ur ass.

  9. how about you cant jump pad as far if you haave shiela on your hands since sheila is heavy. (i know its hanging on her back so realistically rampart is still a heavy unit but its just for game balancing)


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