The BEST SUMMONER SPELLS in Season 12? – League of Legends

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27 thoughts on “The BEST SUMMONER SPELLS in Season 12? – League of Legends”

  1. Exhaust on ADC underrated I think. Makes you very self-sufficient. Can easily duel anyone (at least on Tristana) and helps vs assassins. Heal/Barrier can be questionable.

  2. I have a question about the clip of lux and lee sin / cassio, if lux didn't turn to land Q on lee, would she have survived since lee was already dead to the tower shot? I don't know cassio's range tbh but i would've kept running

  3. I'm mixed as for what to pick for the orianna Annie Graves situation.
    I'm more likely to think that exhaust has a higher value as you can exhaust Graves burst which is massive as well.
    Obviously I understand the arguments behind the barrier choice, I still think it is very much debatable depending on the rest of the enemy team.
    If ad is a big range champion (Cait, Ez…) I'd go for barrier most likely.
    Albeit if it is a burst champion or short ranged whatsoever (Lucian, Vayne…) I would keep with the exhaust choice as it would have a massive value

  4. I actually never use ignite as i see it as cheating. You simply unskillfully press a button for instant true dmg that keeps going for a while, they should reduce the dmg on ignite but higher the healing reduction to balance it.

  5. I love how you talk about, as soon as I see the animation I heal. I can see the whole lee sin Q jumping on me press my trynda ult 7 times, and I die to the auto after the q.

  6. Smite TP is underrated. Most jungler has a form of gap closer already so taking flash is sub optimal and I see a lot of players holding flash and save it for certain situations. Taking tp on another hand is more consistent.

    Say you gank top lane early on and your bot side camps is still up, normally if you show top side those bot side camps would be taken or the enemy jungler will look for an opportunity to gank bot lane but having tp is nice you can tp to bot side turret after the play, if a fight breaks out its a 3 v 3 or you can proceed to take your botside camps or scuttle. This is also useful for taking objectives, you can try setting up picks 1 minute or 2 minutes before the dragon or herald so you can try to get prior as much as possible with your team then recall then tp back to the objective, taking tp just provides a lot more tempo and map pressure compared to flash. Been taking tp for most of my games except usually for champs like gragas who has a powerful engage with flash

  7. I'm surprised they never add something similar to Black King Bar from Dota in League. It basically allow roles such as ADC to use for late game to grant magic immunity for few seconds so you don't get CC to death and can't do any damage. That way you can just play aggressive and actually do damage, instead of just having zero counter against heavy CC team. League also lacks late game detection such as Gem of True Sight. They should add something like that for support to buy so they'll gain permanent detection within an aoe range, instead of using Oracle's Lens every 2 minutes or keep using pink ward that's only restricted to one area that you put them in. And if the person dies that's holding the gem, they'll drop it on the ground and anyone else can pick it up. It makes the game that much more interesting to play.

  8. Ghost on ADC is waaay underrated. Good for teamfights (the only things ADC are useful on) and lets you kite and position better than heal. I would say it outscales heal hard on ADCs.

  9. An important thing that you didn't mention is that Cleanse reduces additional cc by 65%. So for the first clip, you could have taken both Annie's stun and Amumu's snare. It would give you enough time to escape.


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