The Best Valorant Agent Tier List

This Valorant Agent Tier List is the best one, no arguments welcome.

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43 thoughts on “The Best Valorant Agent Tier List”

  1. 13:52 Clarification on Viper and Brimstone mollies, both Brimstone and Viper mollies cover the same are and lasts exactly 8s. Viper has 2 mollies so her effectve molly time is 16s, but Brimstone has a higher DPS molly than Viper.

  2. My experience climbing ranks:
    Reyna gets weaker as you climb ranks
    Breach is even more annoying
    Jett players are high IQ in gold or higher
    Killjoy more annoying good if on team
    cypher BIG BRAIN but lacks comms
    Viper gets better lurk 25% percent chance very bad clutch
    Raze more agro can be dumb
    Phoenix better blinds
    Sage best support
    Omen smarter tp
    Brimstone 50/50 the leader of the team or just plain bad

  3. Might just be cause I'm a cypher main but cypher is the best agent in my opinion
    The nerf didn't do much if you have to rely on your own in solo Q
    Sure it sucks for ur mates but yk
    The potential cypher has and the way you can outplay etc without having good aim got me climbing the ranks

  4. viper is the true diamond in the rough. the thing with viper walls is you need to play around it for it to be super effective. it can be good either way…but if not played around, theres a chance it can hurt more than help. ive been saying it for months now…viper is OP. being able to put up a wall through any object before the round even begins is so good on so many levels. it can affect the enemy team mentally, cause them to rotate incorrectly. in pro play, strats are used every round just about anyway, so her wall can be played around for better effect. think of her and yoru teaming together. vipers pit plus fake footsteps and teleports???!? OMG ITS GONNA BE SO GOOD.

  5. I think the only thing I would change is putting Brimstone bottom of B tier. Every other agent does what Brimstone does but better (ultimate aside) . Other than that I agree with everything.

  6. Hi there King and Happy New Year, Viper walls angles really well on Split B on attack, Split A on defense, and Bind A and B on attack (it can wall CT and heaven away from the car as a standard spot for plant) and it walls CT away from plant letting enemies have clear vision only from Elbow or long which are very risky spots. Basically her wall is the cheapest way to stop an OP-er on all maps but players dont know how to use her, you gotta wall off in such a way that only players with no retreat point and at close range have vision intact. Players have no idea how to wall with her or how to smoke or how to molly or how to ult, because of that they automatically label her as bad. Her ult is also the Ultimate controller move on site after plant or on spike when guarding. There isnt an agent in the game that can block a site as well as Viper, especially if you go in and out of your smokes properly. Most of the times I can only Ace when I ult with Viper.

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  8. Phoenix in B tier?? Really? Thats the only thing I disagree with. “You only pick Phoenix for the ulti”????

    I just dont understand lol, of course the flash lasts shorter but its the fastest flash to peek off of. The molly is great, the wall is great, the flash is still very strong. Unless you have a really good Breach or Skye on your team then Phoenix will provide alot of benefit over the other duelies.

    Also the healing part, although Reyna heal is better in some cases, it also requires having line of sight and a kill and actually using the heal and not dismiss, which is arguably stronger than the heal in most cases, and the best part of reyna by far. With Phoenix the heal is just the cherry on the cake, you can heal if you want, and provides much more utility than Reyna.

    Breach and Skye is in the meta, forsure, but the flashes are TEAM flashes. You arent gonna be able to peek off your flashes. You dont wonna entry as them as it takes too long for the gun to be out. Phoenix flashes are selfish flashes in most cases, to flash for the Phoenix.

  9. About phoenix, Ascent is actually a pretty good pick for phoenix, along with bind and haven. Split is alright, though isn't amazing. Phoenix on icebox is pretty horrible.

  10. I largely agree with this tier list. I do think viper is a little low but your reasoning was solid so I can't really say you're wrong. I do think not knowing how to use her wall might be changing your perspective but it's fair. imo it's best use on offense is to make the "pizza" easier to "slice"/ making multiple double angle peaks into one peak. on defense it's best to use it to force the other team to have to take peaks where the attackers have to double angle peak.

    not to mention being able to stop a defuse for 16 seconds straight and stall a push for 40ish seconds (one way, molly, one way, molly, one way) is super strong.

  11. C'mon, Raze is definitely A tier. Additionally, Reyna is at least A tier. She can hold weird angles, get a pick, then move out unpunished, if she gets someone alone she can heal, and she has a blind that stays in the area.

  12. I really don't agree with Cypher over Killjoy
    I mained Cypher, before his patch, now I am playing Killjoy. For retake she is in m'y opinion the agent.
    On Icebox I still prefere Cypher, in my opinion he's better for watching flank.

  13. I like the list but I'll place cypher above jett and sova
    After playing jett main and sova main for long time
    I would say cypher is better
    But comparing it with omen is kind of difficult, I've played omen main for long time but I can say omen is best


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