The Biggest Problem With League of Legends

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After discussing a bunch of topics around what’s going wrong with the game, I was able to pinpoint the root issue that has been causing all those topics. Today I’m gonna be explaining to you what is the biggest problem with League of Legends!

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21 thoughts on “The Biggest Problem With League of Legends”

  1. i've been saying this for a long long LONG time. the game would be severely improved if they increased the amount of vision control players can get, specifically non supports. i still prefered buying green wards and being able to create my own zone of influence, splitpushing was also way more of a valid approach then. mobility and damage creep sucks but there has been an inverted loss of vision over the years, if you watch dota matches you can see nearly the entire map when players are playing intelligently and at a high level, this also means players spend a lot more time posturing and doing vision based activities, making the pace of game more deliberate and slowing down the amount of random no vision deaths. BRING BACK GREEN WARDS / SIGHTSTONE AND FROSTFANG

    also turrets need to stop being so damn squishy, a noonquiver trist shouldnt be able to solo 3.5 platings in a single wave at level 6, it's fucking stupid and i hate it.
    baron and dragon also shoudlnt die in 2 seconds on spawn, that was never the case back in the day, and minions should probably be tankier and do more damage. i remember when riot first changed summoners rift and added blast cones and fruit and herald and everyone thought it was amazing. in a way it kind of was, this is the type of thing the game needs, it needs a pass at the core fundemental game pacing, if you score 1v1 at level 2 on a player in mid and they come back to lane not having mised much cs or exp, that significantly increases the chance of the lane staying somewhat stagnant, this is good.

    i recommend playing dota for a while i feel like it has much better game pacing overall, even if it's more boring to play than league due to slower pacing of hero abilities but the stragezing and synergy in the game is just so much better and more fun to engage with, seriously the game's complexity is so engaging if you can put up with the jank

    also i agree with you, even though i don't play tanks, season 5 was my favorite season, i loved 30-35 minute games. i love being able to strategize lategame vs early game comps and i loved being able to play around massively varying gamestates. in s11 everything just goes to 11 from minute one.

  2. In Dota 2 the towers and minions are way tankier. So its a way bigger deal and it takes longer because there is also fortify which makes all towers imune to any damage and its cooldown gets reset after one of the towers is destroyed. So the games take even if your losung hard over 30 min and if both teams are equal can take over an hour. Dota 2 also has a lot of items which gibe powerindependent bonuses, for example everyone can buy an item that makes them invis for 20 sec, which can help you get away if the fight turns against you. Also dota 2 is less stats focused and more effect focused, they even removed stat bonuses, dota has 3 elemts strength agility and inteligence, strength gibes you hp and regen, but they removed that it also gives you magic resist. Thats why it is way easier in dota 2 to turtle if your behind and win lategame

  3. I think the game's biggest problem is that Riot doesn't listen to the players. They don't understand that the players aren't the masters and challangers or pro players, but the people that actually play the game the most, meaning people like you and me. Now of course i don't think they should listen to every iron 4, 0 lp out there but the fact that they dont listen gives the impresion that they simply dont give a shit. There are champions that have been dominating the game for months, so we nerf Asol. The curent meta basically forces you to build tanky if you are not an adc, so how about another lux skin. Also, the way you gain and lose lp is totally random and very annoying. I had games where i went like 1/12 and won 18 lp and others in which i went 20/5 and won 15. Or when i am the only one with a positive kd in my team and the only one actively triyng to win the game so i still lose 16 lp cause i guess i just fucking suck. I think its totally unfair that you only lose 5 lp less if you have an afk. Playing 4v5 puts you in a constant disadvantage. You have a high chance to lose every teamfight. You cant backdoor or splitpush cause that will leave your team in a 3v5 which is almost alaways a loss. Its a MASSIVE disadvantage and riots answer to it is: haha you only lose 11lp instead of 16 be happy or get chat restricted for 3 days. Its not even like you gain more lp if you win 4v5. And thats not even talking about the comunity which is absolute garbage. I have seen people tell me to get cancer or that i should see my mother die and stuff like that and they never got banned for it. I literally had a bot account in my ranked game that had even the match history bugged and that account was never banned.

    Conclusion: Riot is wild

  4. How absurd that LEEgue of LEEgends, Yasuo of Yasuo's,Yi of Yi's, Yone of Yone's Katarina of Katarina's, Samira of Samira's, Shaco of Shacos, Pike of pikes, and Illaoi of Illaoi's simply end the game by killing everyone, neglecting how hard the opponents was farming jungle or minions to defend the turrents and Inhibitors?.

  5. As a recent player(who's already addicted enough) i can pretty much tell that, doesn't matter how many tutorials, videos, ebooks and etc. out there of how to carry games, how to be better at lanes and any other sellable concept; people still everytime are just caring for kills and making that clear every match like "look at my kda go fuck yourself", who's generally the yasuo that get 8/12 few minutes later. What i mean is, the game reward people for being killing assholes; and even though there are games that end well for teams that have lesser kills, generally it isn't, but anyways, my conclusion is that the game is like this and it'll probably get even more focused in combat.

  6. Leagues' biggest problem to me are the people. I enjoy the game, I'm okay with it having issues or balancing problems, but what I'm not okay with is the things people do to ruin matches and the stupid reasons they do them.

  7. Was really weird playing my Three Houses on low volume while watching this vid in the bg. I kept lowering my volume on my Switch trying to figure out why I could still hear the battle music but it was the vid hahah. That aside, totally agree with the things that you have to say in this vid. Have really hated the snowballing nature of the game and how one mistake in early game can cost you the entire game.

  8. I have thought of a great idea to keep league less focused on kills .

    Champion takedowns grant a debuff to participants causing them to deal less damage to turrets , minions and epic monsters.


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