The CLEANEST Yoru 1v4 Outplay (Valorant) #Shorts

In this Yoru 1v4 Outplay I used the fact that Yoru’s flash can often be deceptive of where it came from. These plays even worked in Valorant Ranked, where you’d think people would catch on, but after the new Yoru Buff it can be quite difficult.

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Road to 10k begins.
The latest Yoru buff in Valorant was honestly a pretty good one. It gives him the opportunity to perform some insane outplays, and just generally be more viable inside ranked queue. Add the buffs to the newest map Breeze and he honestly becomes an A-tier pick, when before he was hated by almost all. If you want to learn how to play Yoru, I post guides as often as I can, so hopefully, you enjoy those, I also post a lot of Yoru Outplay highlights/montages if that’s also something you are interested in. Thanks for takin the time to read/watch, enjoy the rest of your day.

I do not own any songs used in this video, this video is meant for entertainment purposes only.


31 thoughts on “The CLEANEST Yoru 1v4 Outplay (Valorant) #Shorts”

  1. I used all his kit and played mindgames on enemy and get a ace sent it to my friends and they are like your aim sucks this play is just a trash and worst yoru ever then i got tilted on playing yoru, watch your videos and lesssss f****cking goooooooo

  2. I feel Yoru excels at turning a disadvantage into an advantage. You have no money? Get a teleport kill to get the enemy gun?.Need to get passed utility? Use his footstep. Need to get the spike, to reposition or upgrade to a better gun? Use his ult. He is a high skill character. If Riot can implement changes to his footstep where it looks like Yoru but it is blue, he could be a premier agent. I think he has the potential.

    As usual great patient Ziptie.

  3. Hey Mr Ziptie, You've inspired me a lot to play yoru (which i main now), and I've learned so much useful plays and tactics from you cuz i binge watch ur channel, and I wanted thank you. But also I wanna start to try to make some montages so could you tell me what you use to edit and how you do it?

  4. Hey Ziptie, love the content and Yoru guides. What would you say are the best maps to learn and play Yoru on? Right now I'm really liking him on Bind


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