The COMPLETE Beginner's Guide – How to Play League of Legends!

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35 thoughts on “The COMPLETE Beginner's Guide – How to Play League of Legends!”

  1. I really wish I had this when I started, I couldnt find a guide that taught me everything I needed. I had to learn things like roles and lanes by myself after watching 30 minute videos, the fact that you taught everything in 25 minutes is amazing

  2. I've watched hundreds of league guides (yet here i am), but never one explaining why and how to use skillshots on certain angles when trading/fighting in order to increase the likelihood of it hitting. I mean, you could say that's common sense but a lot of people just shoot their skillshots the moment they are in range when ganking for example and there are a lot more 'common sense' stuff you guys have covered so i'm wondering, does no one think that's important enough to talk about? Here's an example: Here Sylas could shoot the arrow towards Nidalee pretty much at any point after killing ashe and have a 90+% chance of hitting yet he waits for a very specific timing/position where it's basically 100%. I believe that's a concept everyone should know and use, to position themselves relative to the enemy and the terrain in a way that they increase their chance of landing skillshots. And the fact that when you're hitting someone from behind (while chasing) makes it easier to land because the timing doesn't really matter where as if you hit them from the side you have to consider their movement speed relative to your skillshot's travel speed in order to land it. Would love if you guys made a vid about this!

  3. New players should know that if your teammate spam the "?", it doesn't mean that enemies are missing from lane…it means "what the fuck are you doing"

  4. I can't count how many friends I've tried introducing league to only for them to be turned off because it seemed to "complicated" I'm so glad a video like this finally exists!!

  5. If you are entirely new to jungle… DO NOT PLAY MASTER YI.

    DISCLAIMER This is entirely my opinion, so feel free to disagree or touch up on anything I missed. In addition, you can climb with ANY CHAMPION in the game, as long as you have SOLID FUNDAMENTALS. So Master Yi is fine, just not optimal in my opinion.

    While Yi scales hard into the late game as a power farming hyper carry, he teaches bad habits to newer players such as not looking at lane states (whereas Warwick's kit forces you to look for gank options) and power farming while hoping your teammates don't feed.

    Ganking is super important from the perspective of the jungler, because jungle camp gold and xp is a particularly slow way to get items, especially if you're not pathing well or kiting efficiently. However, ganking is incredibly difficult–especially for newer players–if neither the jungler nor the laner has any form of crowd control, and Yi does not. Furthermore, if Yi doesn't get a lead in the early game, he can and will be punished by more experienced junglers, preventing him from reaching his powerspikes. (Although when I first started jungling, playing Master Yi, I didn't need anyone to shut me down. I ended up shutting myself down.)

    Master Yi is a really strong champion in the right hands (and against the right kind of players), but should not be the way one is introduced to the jungle.

    In my opinion, tank junglers are some of the easiest to play when learning due to their simple kits, reliable crowd control, and survivability in teamfights (such as Zac, Rammus, Nunu and Amumu), though their initial jungle clears may not be as healthy as Warwick's (unless you're playing Nunu).

    Beginner bruiser junglers include Vi, Jarvan IV (who typically builds tank items), and Hecarim.

    Beginner assassin junglers (might) include Kha'zix, Ekko, and (regrettably) Master Yi. (Although assassins are usually a harder class to play.)

    I'd stay away from mages and marksmen in the jungle, because they're typically niche picks that, like assassins, are harder to play. I'd also avoid support junglers such as Ivern because they have such a unique style of play that it becomes difficult to translate those jungling skills to other champions.

    Early game junglers such as Elise and Rek'Sai will typically be some of the more mechanically demanding champions to play. Not only that, but their playstyle is very dynamic and can be a bit overwhelming for new junglers. Furthermore, you'll need to know how to close out games quickly in order to dominate with these picks, so most people will introduce new junglers to champions that scale well into the late game such as (here it comes) Master Yi.

    Note: Man, I wish Xin Zhao had a better place in the meta so that there could be a viable early game jungler that wasn't so mechanical. Sad.

  6. That tip with turning off chat is gold, i am playing league since season 1, but i have never met with such a toxicity like in season 11, expecially on mods like aram which i enjoy to play with my friends, and its mostly from enemies for some reason

  7. Hi, cool guide , i am actually overwhelmed with the amount of stuff that just was a 25 min video and is only the surface of league. I really hate to be a bitch but covering runes woulde be amazing since picking that up and understandig it can be really hard as well. Good work <3

  8. Thanks for really teaching us several various useful fundamentals even if I didn't improve so well but knowledge will never be bad … and I'm looking forward to apply each part I get from your fruitful guides ❀️
    Thanks for the giveaway too .. Good luck for all participants πŸ˜‰


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