The Decline of League of Legends

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42 thoughts on “The Decline of League of Legends”

  1. Playing sense season 1. Stopped playing ranked for a decade. I just play for fun. Even though I'm not ranked I get against plats and diamonds all the time. It is fun when you stay away from ranked.

  2. And that's why they need to keep the legacy champions. Let people choose if they want to play the legacy then when the feel the are ready enough they can to the current progressing game.

  3. I’ve started playing season 5, my friends taught me everything and my highest rank was gold 1 and I do think that league is getting so much better, gameplay wise but the community is so toxic i quit like season 10 because its just so exhausting playing anymore, league is so fun but the toxic players, throwers, smurfs, and some just playing for fun of having people hate them. Its so sad and I miss league

  4. I would love some sort of mentorship queue or mentorship function kinda like the one TF2 pretends to have. I'd love the ability for even intermediate players to be able to help the complete noobs get used to the game. Being able to give direct advice, draw lines to get their attention, suggest items, etc. would be awesome! I don't know how many people would be willing to teach with it, but it might help.

  5. I know what you’re getting at as I started playing with a diamond player at the time (like 2018) who always flamed me as a new player being put against gold/ plat 100m mastery yasuo top players as a shen player building ad. It’s not fun and I almost quit the game on the spot if it wasn’t for a good friend only being able to run league. That friend now has a better pc and now we play apex and FPS games 🙂

  6. I started playing 2 months ago with my friends that range from lvl 80-400 and just hit lvl 30 and surprisingly i’ve been having a lot of fun even though i’ve been facing people that are much better than me. I am not feeding every game and even think i’ve been getting better very fast

  7. Smurfs ruin my games. I get placed vs smurfs all the time and I can play vs them no problem but as soon as I starve them from kills or farm they just roam and kill my team and doesn't matter what I do. I'm a one trick and was gold/Plat in college a long time ago and just recently started playing again and I'm bronze/silver. Every time I start to rank up I get stuck vs smurfs that destroy my teams and I lose rank to where I started.

  8. At the moment I'm a master player, I played on competitive for a while (3rd in my country), played against challengers and some pro players all and that stuff, but genuinely what ruins most of my ranked games even in masters are smurfs. It's usually a challenger player with other 2 accounts on Master/Diamond (which is easy to maintain for a challenger player) that ints on that account because he simply doesnt care and if he gets banned, it's whatever. They're usually super toxic as well, same stuff, doesnt matter if they get banned or not.

  9. Maybe there should be an options menu at the start asking whether or not you are new to the game. This would allow for new players to be filled with new players etc.

  10. I`ve been playing League for 7 months and honestly its been the worst time. All my friends are around gold, so when we play I get shit on. But then because I`ve been playing with high elo players, when I solo queue I still seem to get queued up against higher level players. I`m hard stuck in iron because every game I play I end up against silvers!

  11. 1. Remove Duo Queue from Ranked
    2. Ban people who bring up / visibly show that they're smurfing. Most of these are known ToS violators too.
    3. Permaban people who are on bought accounts. You can't bs anyone when your account is an OTP throwaway account for like 2 months, then suddenly a shitter account of a pretend ADC main in Diamond.

  12. I think smurfs are ok. I've been playing this game since season 3. I can't remember the last time I had a Smurf. I feel like what ruins the game more is people that int. I do have smurf account but i will saw it's in another region to play with my friends. And i use it to learn another lane. There's no way for you to safely learn another lane without harming your elo in your main account. And as a Smurf you won't be stomping games in a lane you haven't played before.

  13. I always tell my nephew "You can do whatever you want, you can achieve anything, but you can't allow someone make you play League of Legends, for the sake of your sanity" I played for 8 years and I made 2 things
    1.- fucking stayed in silver with no chance of going up because of people randomly saying "you stole my red, this game is fucking done and im gone" WHILE IN PROMOTION TO GOLD V
    2.- Spent a fuckton of money on skins that I could've used to buy clothes or a bike

    Yeah, I was a bad player, but it was making me worse keep playing the game

  14. I picked up league around when you released this video and was queueing with gold/diamond friends, and after about three days of that I had to stop playing with them. We still play ARAM occasionally as a chill experience, but if I want to get better I solo queue and sometimes they watch and critique my gameplay. I come from a fighting game background, so I understand losing constantly is a part of getting better, but the game is absolutely brutal to play in that regard. I do think the game is genuinely fun, but if we're being honest, once I get a better offline scene for the fighting games I want to play, I don't think I will play league with any consistency.

  15. I genuinely still love playing this game after over 5 years of playing. Then again, I've never really played enough ranked to even get into gold, so that might be part of the reason. I just like teaching new players the basics as well as showing them all the cool music, cinematics, and lore surrounding the game.

  16. that is the exact reason why i wont even bother to play league again.
    tried it for the first time a year ago and no. i just couldnt get into it when i just get fucked in lane .

  17. One of the few good decision in my life is quitting pc League
    The items rework ruined it for me
    Also, Dota 2 is undeniably better than League

  18. Have not played league for like a year. I want to but man I was not having fun in ranked. Constantly toxic and I thought there were smurfs a lot in my games and it just made me want to smurf myself so I could beat on bronzies tbh. I quit and am having fun but man I really want to play.


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