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49 thoughts on “The DIFFERENCE Between GOOD and BAD ADC PLAYERS!”

  1. No joke I said “Well if he didn’t do raptors and started top, he’s probably waiting in the bot bush.” Meanwhile I’m in Diamond, though I know why at least! So that’s good!

  2. I like comparing league to hema to explain it. Both Finesse(macro) and Brute Strength(Micro) Are needed if 2 people of equal strength size height etc, fought whoever was more skilled would win if they are even 50/50. Same with skill, While skill/macro is incredibly important. You have to have the micro and raw strength to use it

  3. 3 wave crash is impossible at low elo because most supports auto attack your minions but hey if you do get the right support you could do the 3 wave push and get a crazy advantage but knowing these things will help you

  4. Why do these vids always start "lets look at a low elo match" and start diamond? Thats not low lmao. Like, lemme see some bronze or silver matches. Thats more realistic to me tbh 🤷🏿‍♀️

  5. Sc- too many low elo players aren't hungry enough and just sit there throwing the game. Good players go agro and limit test. Also sc- this vid. At this point they're just duping people into bait courses which will say contradictions like this, while milking YouTube ad revenue

  6. The answer to the first question should be neither, no? Because chasing for the kill is, as we can see, a throw, but immediately backing off will result in not getting any of Aphelios' spells because of lack of pressure. So Jinx could've chased for a while to see if Aphelios uses any of his summoners, then back off regardless.

  7. Just like JG diff, ADC diff is most likely the result of team diff.

    It's the most team-reliant role that shines in very little compared to others, when you take away the team who is supposed to do the rest of the essentials for the marksman, what can one do other than whatever damage they can cause?

  8. "Sometimes your nami just dies to the enemy naut and draven" is so painful… Since I constantly get hooked myself xD
    Also I immediately knew leesin was gonna pop up bot with the info. But the problem is ingame you dont get to see the info listed like this video does xD. If it did we'd all be grandmasters xD

  9. example 1 good adc: doesnt chase and starts to focuse the wave, blitz chases dies blames ADC spams ff rep adc and proceeds to abandon the lane lose huge xp being useless every other lane.

  10. again supports are still a massive problem with tracking junglers, often they get impatient for not pushing, crashing and getting plates… esp ranged supports. Sometimes they have just combo the wave for themself break your freeze and back. This video should be included in support training.

  11. Yeah this in the moment gameplay is one of my personal problems. I've gotten so good at tracking junglers that I sometimes surprise higher elo friends when I happen to play with them by predicting moves but that only happens when I'm farming in the jungle and have nothing to else to do but to assess the map situation. If I'm on lane I'm constantly thinking about the opposing laner and last hitting as opposed to the map situation. As you could've guessed, Top is my worst role.


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