The Difference Between GOOD and BAD Top Laners – League of Legends

The Difference Between GOOD and BAD Top Laners in League of Legends
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35 thoughts on “The Difference Between GOOD and BAD Top Laners – League of Legends”

  1. This videos are the best, I have improved a lot with these videos, I'm wondering if you guys have any video is explaining what a "win condition" is. I heard a lol pros saying "it's our win condition". So what is a win call condition and how do I spot it? If you don't have a video like that you M8 consider doing one it's an really interesting topic.
    Keep the good work!

  2. Haven't caught McBaze streaming for a couple weeks now. Man I miss hearing all the cursing but this video at least makes me confident that my boy McBaze is doing well.

  3. I just recently hit Plat playing top with pretty much full time Illaoi (got Skill Capped subscription too by the way).
    I also think that Urgot made a second mistake in that first clip. He put himself into a slow push situation heading to Pantheon.

    So if I am unsure about a match up I, admittedly, will give more respect then is probably due, but what I'll look to do (especially if they have Ignite) is play patient on the wave and even choose to miss several minions within the first wave (not missing xp) just to ensure that it freezes at my tower.

    I already do not understand the match up; the last thing I want to do is have the long lane to run back to tower during a jungle gank with an opponent rocking Ignite.

    So in this case, as Urgot, if I REALLY wasn't sure about the outcome of early aggression, I would have held off on hitting the wave and letting it push to me as it was obvious the Pantheon was not respecting wave management.

    As it stands in that clip the Pantheon now has a free slow push towards him and if he just sits there and waits Urgot is free game once the wave comes back to Pantheon's side of the map.

  4. If your gonna tell me sett is bad now im just gonna laugh cuz prowlers claw hail of blades sett is literally busted. If you go green tiamat into full hp after you can even still do alot of w dmg and still oneshot squishys with prowlers e aa aa q aa aa (r w whatever)in like 1.5 sec

  5. I bought skill capped and tried to climb, at the start of lockdown, played 4 games a day and studied a lot. Couldn't climb, so started to troll all games and not try at all, my rank is the same 2 years later. Conclusion, skill capped is a scam and league is mostly luck.


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    ん(#笑#やっぱり人参最高#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした $

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