The Division Heartland | New Free To Play Standalone Game!! | Division Universe News!!

So much to digest from this one page make sure to read it and let me know what you guys think!! I am excited for the new game and look forward to the future!!

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30 thoughts on “The Division Heartland | New Free To Play Standalone Game!! | Division Universe News!!”

  1. Did a quick google for anyone who wants to know what's considered to be The American Heartland.

    In addition to Missouri and Illinois, the Heartland includes Alabama, Arkansas, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee and Wisconsin.
    It's roughly 1.1 million squared miles or about 1/3 of the continental U.S land mass.

  2. Free to play, it's the most expensive thing to buy 😣
    Free to play, is a money grab packs filled😑
    Free to play, isn't free coz nothing is free in life😩
    I hate to see that they gonna to to Division. It's Ubisoft after all…

    Sad time's for gamers 😭 can you imagine what games gonna be like with no greedy game company's… Well I can't.. ☠️

  3. For me division is all about the co-op experience… It's 80% Co op and 20% pvp… If it's 100% pvp, well enjoy the game, it's not gonna be for me😏

  4. I agree with Patrick. More players is more players. Fortnite started with a pve concept, but the battle royale caught fire. They never stopped developing the pve game. The Division already has a fully fleshed out PvE side. If the pvp game can get some traction, it could feed players to pve and vice versa. …Not that I would play a battle royale game, but I'm sure many people

  5. The PvP needs a major overhaul, in that whatever modes + gear Ubisoft comes up with has to support a diverse player base.
    For example, I strongly prefer PvP with a specific catalog of gear such that I can spend most of my time playing PvP instead of endless item farming to catch up to the current "meta".
    Right now I have to play "inventory management" minigame with PvP, such that I spend most of my time in inventory screen compared to actual PvP play.
    I get that some players like this gameplay loop, "get hosed in PvP by random build, play inventory management to change build, go back into PvP combat, if it works great, otherwise repeat loop".

    Build variance and viability is great for PvE but is a nightmare to manage for PvP. PvP just not fun anymore, because when I'm the one hosing other players it feels "dirty", and when I'm the one getting hosed it's a very frustrating experience. Yes I know it's a fine thin line to manage but the experience right now is not fun for me, even in cases where I'm downing players left and right.

    Give players a choice of "anything goes PvP" and "curated PvP with predefined gearsets and skills".

  6. Never die ? Look at Hyper Scape …. Not sure that F2P is really a good idea for such a franchise honestly … let's wait … BTW mobile game is just a joke to me … I hope that the TD2 DLC will be good enough to keep me playing the game …


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