The Elder Scrolls 6 Redfall – The Complete Breakdown!

I breakdown everything there is to know about The Elder Scrolls 6 Redfall theory!

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30 thoughts on “The Elder Scrolls 6 Redfall – The Complete Breakdown!”

  1. I think the name is pretty obvious. BGS has been hinting at the fall of the empire. sometimes called the red legions, for a long time. The Oblivon Crisis heavily damaged it, more than other governments, the Great War came close to crippling them and took them down further, along with the loss of several provinces, the Skyrim civil war killing a lot of their soldiers, and the logo for Skyrim being the imperial symbol, crumbling. A lot of Cyrodiil is partially in ruins, there are hits at small amounts of rebellion there, and the threat of a second war with the Aldmer Dominion still looms over them like an axe over their heads. The name Redfall when looked at for the most obvious meaning, would be the fall of the empire, which uses the color red so much, even the Amulet of Kings having been red-gemmed.

  2. In other news, I'll bet Starfield will have an easter egg in the form of the star constellations of The Thief, The Warrior and The Mage.
    Not to mention upgrading your ship with a cryostasis chamber that was invented by Nate Delaney and Nora Taylor. 😉

  3. I'm surprised you didn't mention Bethesdas legal time coming after you because they panicked at how effective you are at digging through copy right information. OG Skullzi reference right their 😀

  4. Red guard is a problematic name. It along with the game could very well be a jailable offense in eu. Think 5 times worse than the ww2 holocaust. The laws are afaik pending with some like baltics and poland already having passed them into law. Red guard, commie flag etc excaltation of communist genocide gets you in jail as surely as waving a nazi flag.
    Freedom of speech? Not in europe.

    In short the name and brand and all could very well be unsellable in most of its future market. A kinda bad idea to risk that.

  5. I know this won’t happen. But I really want some form of atmoran/akaviri conquest or expedition, even as a dlc, or mod, in an elder scrolls game. I don’t know, something about it being mysterious just seems really cool, there’s also a lot of creative potential.

  6. Great video as always, Skullzi. I noticed your breathing seemed quite labored. Perhaps you exercised beforehand or have a cold or asthma? Most public speakers, however, breathe in through the nose and exhale through the mouth. Watch your local newscasters or weather person on TV.


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