The Elder Scrolls Skyrim Critique Commentary Part 5

Greetings one and all to a realm of commentated videos where I essentially critique a wide variety of games that I have enjoyed not just thoroughly, but also enable a high level of creativity in some form to make the experience special for me to talk about!

Now officially at the halfway mark here, (also getting ever-so-closer to the REAL exciting territory of Skyrim that lays within the late-game scene and all!) our next stop is High Gate Ruins, where we’re fighting even more of the barely-human Draugr in their damp and darkened crypts! (With Mercer Frey still here with us to kill much more monsters alongside us, though I think Farkas buggered off somewhere else, where to is hard to say here)

Indeed, considering that the ‘boss’ of this dungeon at the end is an actual Dragon Priest, (one of the most powerful foes one can come across, regardless if you’re low-levelled or a much higher level at that!) it certainly helps that I’ve finally got that mediocre Orcish armour upgraded through Dwarven to a much-more impressive set of Ebony armour, including the Shield and Sword! (Think I’ve still got the Glass Bow, magically-enhanced of course!)

Obviously what makes this particular Dragon Priest here, Vokun, so deadly is his wide arsenal of magic spells as well as his sheer prowess in the magical arts of destructiveness, as he’s very capable of summoning powerful familiars of his own (like Storm Atronachs and proper Daedric creatures!) and using Warding spells to buffen up his defences on top of various spells from the Destruction side of magic (Fire and Ice seems to be his main two types, but Lightning is a third common type for other magical foes) to make your life a misery in fighting against him, though thankfully he appears to be one of the weaker ones based on how long the fight took here. (That or I got lucky and he didn’t buff himself and summon familiars right at the start of the battle, which helps a ton!)

So, being out of character and *literally* backstabbing that other follower, Anska, to snatch her scroll from her at the end of the dungeon alongside learning some semi-useless Dragon Shout that is Storm Call, we go into a brief but HIGHLY odd moment nearby in Dawnstar when I had just managed to slay a powerful Elder Dragon (TWO whole tiers above the previous Blood Dragon at that!) that was threatening the nearby city and all, only for a whole bunch of the nearby citizens and guards to come check out the whole farce and, by the end of it, nearly two dozen NPCs had crowded together to check out the most impressive Dragon skeleton that now blocks part of the dirtpath road leading into their city! (Including an intriguing Khajiit warrior, Dro’marash, whom I mistook here for being my next main companion at the time! However, there is another Khajiit warrior among the crowd that they both belong to the same trading caravan here that, well…)

With that brief hilarious moment out of the way however, the next place of adventuring here is this unusual place down in Markarth, infiltrating a Dwemer museum in order to retrieve something of great value for the Thieves Guild via a laboratory of sorts, though noting that Mercer Frey is no longer with us now (due to be slain in a quest near enough this one, funnily enough!) and is now replaced by a different Khajiit Warrior, this one going by the name of Kharjo, whom not only belonged to that same trading caravan that I happened to stumble upon after slaying that Elder Dragon but also completed a quest for him to retrieve his valued and personal Moon Amulet, after which I unlocked him as a loyal follower and donned him with his own personal set of powerful Ebony armour (That I required a very high Smithing skill to further enhance to be as good as it is here) to help him stay alive in the many battles to come for as long as physically possible!

The reason I mention this is that, unlike Mercer Frey and Farkas, both belonging to their respective guilds who are immune due to quest reasons, Kharjo does not share that same luxury and is actually mortal in that he CAN DIE and not be revived back to normal! In fact, due to me being so reckless and all, he SOMEHOW died to my (admittedly VERY strong) Daedric blade in one single blow, the damage of which could only be undone with a reload sadly! (To which, being a series of messing around with, I obviously did not reload, though I do still feel a tinge of guilt)

But yes, recklessly slaughtering the fellow Stormcloaks we do, eventually coming across a different faction in the form of the Wizards and their guards, surprisingly about as weak as the regular guard counterparts, whom I mindlessly swipe away with my full Daedric gear now in order to retrieve some silly artefact in the form of a Dwemer Puzzle Cube, then I head on out to the balcony and call it a day for this video, seeing how there’s still more left to cover!

In any case, I hope you enjoyed the video and any constructive comments or criticism is appreciated!


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