THE END of PS5! "Sony Has BETRAYED PlayStation Fans for the Last Time" | Xbox and PC Ruined Gaming

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The PS5 is Dead and Sony Officially Ruined Gaming…because they decided to put more PlayStation exclusive games on the pc gaming platform to make more money. PS5 Fanboys are having a complete mental breakdown and are becoming enraged with Sony over their decision to put more games on other platforms because these fanboys are so pathetic that they do not want anyone else to be able to play video games unless they are forced to go out and buy a ps5. It gets even worse when they literally call the PS5 worthless and say the PS5 Sucks or The PS5 is Trash unless it has exclusive games that force you to buy a console to play. The video we are watching here today is a complete joke and this dude is literally on his knees begging Sony’ Jim Ryan to have PlayStation make less money to keep games exclusive to the PS4 and PS5.

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49 thoughts on “THE END of PS5! "Sony Has BETRAYED PlayStation Fans for the Last Time" | Xbox and PC Ruined Gaming”

  1. Why do you do this? Wouldn't you prefer to be playing video games right now? Not that I disagree with you i just don't see as different to a fanboy in the fact that you prefer to talk shit instead of playing video games… but whatever like I do with fan boys ill do to you I'm just going to let you live your life the way you want

  2. He says the pc is completely toxic. Clearly he hasn’t played on pc, because a larger portion of players aren’t toxic at all, compared to the portion that is.

  3. I bought a PS4 last June to just play Spider-Man 2018. I bet some PS fanboys would be like "He bought a PS4, so he gave up Xbox. HORRAY…" I bet they would act like that. Now after Spider-Man Miles Morales I barely play on my PS4 anymore.

  4. forget console wars how about donating money to the Sony foundation? help sick kids and families with a dissabled child. Or buy both a ps5 and series X? why not? If you pay $3000-$4000 for a true gaming PC theres no excuse guys

  5. Sitting on the Xbox/PC platform, I literally wouldn't care if they released Gears of War 1-3 and all MS exclusives on the PlayStation and switch right now. Let them have it.
    It'll be fun for the new kids and I just don't give a f*ck.
    Still would keep to my Eco system because I've invested heavily in it with a game library.
    And I always wanted to play TLOU (part 1 mind you) but I never thought it would be worth the money for one game so It'll never happen. I won't buy a console for exclusives only.

    This is how normal people think. And I'm not even that normal. But atleast I've grown up.

  6. I’m no longer going to buy another PlayStation. And no I’m no fanboy. I’m just not in favor of favoring PC players when they never share their games with console. Even with Xbox they ruined their consoles by putting their shitty games to PC and that destroyed their platform.

  7. One of my favorite games ever was infamous: second son

    If they released that on steam I'd be happy that more people would get to experience it.

    I really don't understand where these guys are coming from. Games are good no matter the platform, and with cross play now an industry standard these games now have a wider player base than ever. Nothing sucked more than playing and loving Starhawk just for the population to die out a year later, but released on multiple systems with crossplay? I would still be playing it now!

  8. Consoles/Machines don't create profits, video games (softwares) do. That's why these companies sell the consoles at a loss. When would Fan boys get this. PS: I have both consoles #PlugAndPlay, & sincerely I got ps4 for the exclusives. And playstation can not make money if the general public buys only the best console ( series s/x) for COD and multi-platform games because they are now loosing the console power narrative. You just have to calculate the potential loss 📉. Playstation know they have the power of preference and they want to keep the money coming in.

    Edit: he even knows these guys sell at a loss. So what's he saying 🤔🤷🏿‍♂️?

  9. There's a difference between fanboys and fans.. for those who attack the majority of people who play a certain system. Not everyone is like this lunatic. Each gaming community has these lost cause. (Ps player btw) I get this channel is xbox heavy but I see some y'all come for anyone that even mentions they have a ps but said nun bad bout y'all console. I love xbox as well there said Console wars are shit
    Fanboys divide us as a gaming community

  10. damn didn't know buying games on sale is bad.
    probably should stop buying games on sale on playstation xbox and nintendo too cause you spend less money on their games. nobody really goes to gamestop anymore but don't do that either it's bad mkay

  11. I can't believe there's still morons like this one 🙂 . Someone should explain him all of devs and publishers are here to sell something and where's money they will try to take it. There's no love here, that's simply – business. Idea is simple, release TLOU on PC and there's a big chance we will buy PS4/PS5 to play part two (Horizon or any other game)

  12. Are they acting like we aren't gonna emulate their games one day ? And we can wait for as long as it takes 🥴

    You either let us pay or we will just emulate that bitch in 10 years, they are all singleplayer games.
    Trust us, we can wait….

  13. Dude, PC anything is irrelevant to console players like honestly get a life if you seriously just on here ranting like Sony is supposed to care about every time some PC user is running their mouth, God I hate casual gamers. 😅

  14. Unfortunately i disagree Sony has no reason to exist and the hardware is 🗑️.
    They are middleman with too much power and are just stealing money from game developer's without doing anything.The guy is just stupid for caring if the parasympathetic company survives.

  15. do this kind of people not know that Sony is porting Games to PC since the PS1 era (Mass Destruction, Final Fantasy 7,8,9, Tekken, Wipeout 2097, G-Police, Lifeforce Tenka, Ace Combat, Fighting Force, Silent Hill, Breath of Fire, Guilty Gear, Nuclear Strike, Tales of Series, Ridge Racer, Nightmare Creatures, etc…) and everyone was happy, because it's business as usual?

  16. Lol its hilarious watching this shiz. I think there also fanboy butt hurt because they now can't use the 'xbox games arnt really exclusive' argument anymore. Losing there fanboy ammunition gotta hurt.

  17. Im not trying to be funny but why is it we hold other companies to a higher standard than Sony. Spider-man is a poor game, web slinging is too easy and makes it boring, missions are repeatative and all the lore was already there so not much imagination needed. Compare that to assassin creed reviews which are nit as highly rated but has better physics, an oRiginal story and back setting and more level variety. I forgot its not it a Sony exclusive

  18. So I have a rule when it comes to gaming channels. If they have a platform in their name such as xbox, PlayStation and PC you don't listen to them don't even watch them because their gonna be biased and constantly shit on the other platforms they don't like


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