The END OF SMURFING IS NEAR – NEW UPDATE about Sinatraa – Valorant Guide

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34 thoughts on “The END OF SMURFING IS NEAR – NEW UPDATE about Sinatraa – Valorant Guide”

  1. This game is stupid y can't do anything about smurfs they have to do something more useful i don't know why the not make competitive more difficult to gett for example y have to go 30lvl to play like LOL riot wake ups is y gamee 🤡

  2. The problem im having and this occurs a lot in my games when grinding to gold is that mid game afk or dc's. My team would be winning or has a shit and then we get an afk that never comes back. I get the remake that you habe for early game but we should have one for mid round also.

  3. Lol I like how people complaint about smurfs when there is a few in high Elo and I’m not making a big thing about it just learn. Either way I’m still a smurf too and this counter isn’t going to work I carry my friend and then lose all the games with like 1 kill or less than 10 and game puts you back where you belong that’s why it’s hard to get caught. Don’t get me wrong I have been getting 30rr in a few games.

  4. It’s really unfair for Sinatra, nothing was proven and the casters or whatever are not being fair honestly they should fire em and get new ones without being that judge mental, I have been in valorant_la and all are fair to everyone. It’s pretty stupid they are there just to talk it’s not like they are there to judge someone.

  5. I completely agree innocent until proven guilty. It’s one thing if the investigation was moving forward but it’s another thing to unban him then say 🤫 “psst hey orgs don’t hire him.”

  6. Smurfing is ridiculously out of control, Easiest solution is to add an account level selector for the people you want in your game so if you set it to level 80 there will be no accounts in your game below level 80. But you can't set it higher than your own account level.

  7. It's crazy that people want to come up with these crazy solutions to fix the smurfing issue, when all they have to do, is enable 2FA with a phone number to play ranked lmao. Pretty simple tbh.

  8. Okay so the reason why Riot banned Sinatraa's pro play in the first place isn't just the S.A. allegation. Sinatraa refuses to cooperate with the investigation. You guys are absolutely disgusting for defending Sinatraa. There is a reason why OW dropped him, I'm surprised Sinatraa isn't permanently banned from pro play till the investigation is over. In cases of S.A. it is almost impossible to give concrete proof.

  9. Riot needs a kick out system like csgo. If that teammate doesn't wanna play, just go afk. No need to tell the opponents where we are going. Legit had games where a duelist would keep baiting and start throwing when you called him out on it. It's better to play 4v5 then 4v6.

  10. Smurf problem is just an excuse for a weak minded, period. I am d2 now and ive seen a lot of smurs through my climbing ( all the way from iron 2), never had a problem with that. Actually, i see some of them in diamond as well and i think about it as a gift – chance to have a harder challenge and a great expirience.


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