The father-daughter relationship between Silco and Jinx | Arcane – League of Legends

This is from Riot Games Netflix Animation Series “Arcane”.

Amid the stark discord of twin cities Piltover and Zaun, two sisters fight on rival sides of a war between magic technologies and clashing convictions.

I own none of the content shown in the video.
All video and audio is owned by Netflix.


30 thoughts on “The father-daughter relationship between Silco and Jinx | Arcane – League of Legends”

  1. 0:42 keep in mind that they kept cutting her talk, meaning she went on and on with the sister talk until she got bored and started playing with the dosage, and Silco waited every single moment of it, in a bad day where they lost a lot of their precious work, it shows how much patience he has for Jinx.

  2. it really sort of disturbs me the people who have see this relationship and assume its father/daughter.

    Like bro, my parents treated me the same way, its like an employee, but with a softer touch? They make you partially dependent on them and assure you this is how a normal life is, when really you're just cheap labor, a couple kind words and the feign of care, and then boom, they're willing to die for you.

    My father locked me in a bedroom until I was 18 to "protect me", no school, no education. I was suddenly dumped into getting a job to "help the family" Oh he talked me up with words, kept me going with praise, all while he took two thirds of my paycheck. He never prepared me to be on my own, never told me how to make a friend, or anything like that.

    I'm 33 now, I don't know how to drive, I have horrible abandonment and social issues, I require constant praise unless I make a strained mental effort to understand that wanting that is irrational. Literally getting up is misery and sometimes I just want someone to lock me up again so I don't have to worry about how loud and overwhelming the outside is. The only reason I was able to break away was because I was discussing how my life was, my day to day routine with someone online and she explained to me how fucked up it all was. I was able to break out of that living establishment at 26(!), 26 years stuck in the same bedroom, never really knowing the outside world, and only doing tasks I was told to do.

    I get that this is fictional, I really do, but do not mistake all this as "caring", the bits and pieces I've seen indicate that this was at best, conditioning, and at worst outright deliberate social stunting, he does not want Jinx to flourish, he wants her to remain servant.

    Finally, learn how to turn your brights on (metaphorically speaking) to see what a fucked up relationship is, if you think this is okay, how many abused people have you spoken with that weren't as fortunate as I was to be recognized. How many people go home to abusive parents/spouses because this idea that you see appeases you?

    I know I went off a bit, but holy fuck I'm tired of people telling me abusive relationships are ideal to them.


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