The FINALE! – Solo to Masters on Apex Legends

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Music used:

Run – Ross Bugden:


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48 thoughts on “The FINALE! – Solo to Masters on Apex Legends”

  1. Been playing since launch and the beginning of this season I hit D1 with 500 rp away from masters for the first time. Unfortunately some things happened in life like they do and I couldn't put any extra time into it. Glad you hit masters rich, great content as always

  2. Congrats on reaching Masters, Rich! I wish I had that sort of patience when faced with an overly aggresive teammate like that Wraith. That Bangalore though was a great teammate. Now you can give yourself a rest, Rich. You deserve it.

  3. Congratulation iTemp, great job. I did the master last split because I knew that I'll never be able to get it on king's canion, and I was right. That map sucks for ranked so nice job ×2!

  4. I’m sad that being a content creator ruined the end of this challenge for Rich. He soloed through diamond, but the “best” content is when you have the top spot pushing you into Masters. I’m so excited for Rich to have put in the HOURS of effort and succeed. The title of the video is all I needed to be excited for him. I don’t think any of us come here for the extravagant wins. We come here because Rich is a great guy who’s fun to watch.

    Rich – I’ve been watching you on and off for years. I want you to make lots of money, but more importantly I truly hope you’re happy. You deserve it! All jobs have there downsides, and you get to play video games, but know that we come for you, not the wins.

  5. Congrats, Rich. I knew you could do it. I definitely prefer the Ranked videos, but I wouldn't mind you going into Ranked with a team. One of the things that could be useful to see is effective callouts, team tactics, and IGL-ing.

  6. Love that you discuss your strategy while playing ranked. Playing strategically can be difficult at times but watching your vids Has made my decision making more concise. Thanks Rich for the awesome content

  7. Man that little monologue at 9:00 really needed to be heard by some people. A lot of players don’t truly realize how easy it is to throw a ranked match and how one small mistake can lead to a avalanche of problems. 9/10 times the person throwing feels just as upset about it as their teammates, so instead of blaming them realize that you was once the person who over committed, pushed a bad angle, got beamed, and throw the game for another squad at some point.

  8. Thanks for this video. I appreciate your kindness to other fellow (sometimes less-skilled) players. I wish more players could respect each other especially in Public matches. Keep up the cool content.


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