The FIRST MAJOR NEWS Of Apex Legends Season 8 Is Here! (New Map Rotation & New Hop Ups!)

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Welcome to another Apex Legends Season 8 video! In today’s video, I specifically talk about some of the first news since the new season dropped!

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47 thoughts on “The FIRST MAJOR NEWS Of Apex Legends Season 8 Is Here! (New Map Rotation & New Hop Ups!)”

  1. Season 8 is the absolute best season they released a balanced legend the collection event is amazing the map is amazing sbmm is better I love it dude thank you so much respawn f u ea edit: kijannaplays next we see you upload your rank is gonna be diamond lol

  2. Am I the only one that thinks this season so far has been ass thanks to KC? The amount of 3rd parties, sweats, 3 stacks, audio being shit like usual, and they keep buffing the spitfire even though its been OP for like 2 seasons. This season so far has been horrible

  3. I really don’t think no fill will work and tbh I would much rather have an actual solo mode it’s not a bad idea but 2 fill teams will still probably end up victorious in games cause 2 v 1 is a lot harder then 1v1v1 cause at least you can kill a distracted enemy but if they’re both together and this is last ring with a little bit of an open space you’ll probably lose 6 times out of 10 but it’s just me not wanting unnecessary excessive Ed’s and extra work to put in

  4. I’m really glad that they are bringing the rotation a week earlier. I get tired of playing the same map all the time. After two weeks of the new map every season, I am so ready for rotation, that’s why I wish they would put ranked in map rotation also. When you’re grinding and grinding and grinding in the same map it gets really old.

  5. i had a game end on mirage voyage, and it was amazing, i was the only one on my team who made it on, and there were two teams fighting, so i respawned them and won with a well placed arc star, it was amazing

  6. I was very happy to see them reduce the S8 launch Kings Canyon time. An EVEN split for rotation times on all 3 maps would be great.
    My issue is that they always seem to put each map on for different lengths of time. It just doesn't make sense.
    1hr Olympus, 1hr Worlds Edge, 1hr Kings Canyon…. none of that 1.5hr WE, 45min Olympus, etc.

  7. Only want to see a solo option if it adjusts the matchmaking. I would MUCH rather have a solos mode, but, if they made the matchmaking the way it used to be if I’m going solo, that would be great.

    As far as the maps go……I don’t want to touch olympus until they figure out the framerate problems. On ps4 pro I dip to 40 fps in alot of areas on olympus.

  8. I was really happy to see Kings Canyon was on rotation for the first 2 weeks, I thoroughly dislike Worlds Edge. I love Olympus though, and I don’t mind playing that. Also, congrats on switching to PC. I currently play on the Series X, and I will say console is my home, as I’ve played all my days on a console, but I would love to try PC. It seems so much nicer.

  9. Keep solos away from Apex it's not designed for it. Period. You'll never get it. Get with the times. Read sole dev interviews. honestly play the game whole trying to see why solos doesn't work at all for Apex.

  10. First of all how did your ps4 broke? Second i still prefer solo being in the game than no fill options because there certain players like myself can't deal with 2 on 1 or 3 or 1 situation. I think they still need to just put solo in the game no matter how broken certain legends are in the game in solo. Thirdly great video🙂

  11. I relay think we do need solo mode in ranked mostly pubs doesn't rly matter I means since most of the ppls go in pubs to have fun and all
    And the 301 with 3x optics and anvil receiver is a bruiser damn I loved it

  12. And I kinda enjoyed kc I rly didn't expect them to move the rotation like that close idk wat respawn is think but it better be gud cause it rly hurts

  13. Need a solo mode period. I get descent teammates only about 1 out of every 6 or 7 games, sometimes less. And because of how much shields players have it's very rare for normal players to win a 1 vs 3


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