The First Reunion Of Lumine And Aether – Genshin Impact

This cutscene was from the Archon Quest – We Will Be Reunited.

Such a fucking banger of a reunion. Am actually confused and curious of the whole picture of the story right now. But this was wild.

And dont neglect the fight scene of lumine slappin the abyss herald’s dark ass. Fucking badass animation.

That’s about it. See ya!

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34 thoughts on “The First Reunion Of Lumine And Aether – Genshin Impact”

  1. i also have mc lumine!! i really like how aether’s va did here… made me really emotional… i’ll miss aether. never regretted choosing lumine and i still don’t … love this version sm <3

  2. Comparing the two, Lumine sounds like she's resigned herself to a lonely path, and is willing to give up her love for her brother for the sake of her goals. While Aether is constantly at war with himself about whether he should just go back with his sister, because he wants to so desperately.

  3. Aether sounds a lot more passionate and desperate when talking to Lumine in this cutscene. When it's the other way around Lumine keeps a resting bitch face lmao, girlboss attitude. Honestly i like that they give them personalities of their own.

  4. I love how, as the villain, Aether sounds sad, he sounds heartbroken, because even though you've reunited you wont stay that way.
    Lumine sounds cold, hardened by her experiences, and while she does sound sad while leaving you, she does seem more angry and hateful.

    That's why I prefer Aether as the villain, villains who sound evil, cold, or mad are a dime a dozen, but sad villains?? Villains who seem emotional, or even just a little wistful, are infinitely more enticing.

    Aether isn't hesitant to achieve his goal, but he also doesn't sound as angry as Lumine, he does however sound far more compelling since he's finally seeing his sister after 500 years. You expect that emotional reunion, and while Sarah did a good job on being emotional, I felt like, sad emotion, verses mad, just fits the villain a lot more. Especially since you're fighting against your twin now.

  5. i play in jp and damnnn, the difference between the two is so different. aether in jp is more sad, calm, and reserved while the english one sounds more frustrated and confused. inch resting

  6. Kind of liked Lumine's VA as a villain more. She sounds as if cold, as if the whole world is her enemy. Aether's VA sounds like he is more in mourning. Though, I do admit dark Aether's body language is bit better than Lumine's.

  7. I prefer Aether as the villain. He seems more like an anti-hero and so the sadness and frustration in his voice really suits this role. Lumine as rhe villain is great too but she seems more cold-hearted and I like more ✨tragic✨ villains.


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