The HARDEST CHALLENGE EVER in Genshin Impact | Spiral Abyss Floor 11 and 12 Showcase (Patch 1.5)

In this video we take on the hardest challenge in Genshin Impact to date. The Abyss Herald, the Abyss Lector and the entirety of Spiral Abyss to 36 star everything!!!

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47 thoughts on “The HARDEST CHALLENGE EVER in Genshin Impact | Spiral Abyss Floor 11 and 12 Showcase (Patch 1.5)”

  1. It seems like 1.5 is the content everybody asked for.
    The tea pot is a lot of content, when I like it and the new event+spiral abyss is finally challenging for the whales.

    And if you really want a challenge, don’t use Ganyu 😅

  2. I don't have enough damage ;v; and I keep getting pewp artifacts daily. Manage to get 6-stars on Floor 11 (2-3-1) and 2 stars on Floor 12-1 (I died on the hydro mimics in floor 12-2). But I'm good, not gonna aim for full stars, I doubt I can right now since I already knew I'm lacking a lot of damage. My geo team made spiral easy by a little, but my team 2 is random depending on the situation and most of the time they have very bad artifacts on them hah…

  3. Fk those abyss herald, damn, but finally some challenging contents!
    I only get 8/9 in floor 12, can’t do more even after so many tries…
    before I can 9 star’ed floor 12 with my ipad… literally

  4. Took me all day to 36 stars this time; I had to try like three or four set ups for floor 12 especially 12-3, and I had to practice Hu Tao's animation cancel timing on the Abyss Lector like so many times, they feel very different from geovishaps. >.< But seriously Zhongli is so clutch this time around that I am hoping for his exact powercreep version—so that I can have two Zhonglis for abyss seriously.

  5. Anyone have any tips for 3 staring 11-3? I'm using phys Zhongli & Razor as my dps, I breeze through every chamber but the final one with 2 abyss heralds. I get them to around 1/3 health and then they get hydro shields, and there's no way for me to break those in time. And of course, I don't have ganyu.

  6. Tbh I've got the feeling than both Ganyu and Venti are more valuable than Zhong Li for this abyss, not that Zhong Li isn't valuable, he also is extremly helpfull and would be my 3rd pick, but if I had to take only 2 5* to clear the abyss it 100% would be Ganyu and Venti. The hardest Venti give help you clear the 12-3 part 2 so fast and Ganyu is really good to deal with the abyss lector, not to mention floor 11-3 and 12-2 which could be hard to 3* without her.

  7. Am I the only one who found this abyss easier? I 35 starred it on my second try. Though I feel it’s harder to 36 star because my abyss lector team NEEDS diona but so does my oceanid creature team.


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