The Hardest Modes In Video Games

Please enjoy my video on some of the hardest game modes in video games, including Halo 2’s infamous legendary mode. In this video I also give a general overview of the harder than hard mode trend.

These modes are hard

Music Used:
Orchestral Theme –
MediEvil Original Soundtrack – Master of the Mausoleum
MediEvil Original Soundtrack – The Prodigal Skeleton Returns
Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2 OST – Loon Skirmish

Outro Music: – S P I C E

Intro Music
MediEvil Original Soundtrack – Master of the Mausoleum

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10 thoughts on “The Hardest Modes In Video Games”

  1. Great video! In my experience there is a line between unfair difficulty and fair but challenging which can get blurry very easily. I think a good example of this is shadow of war. In shadow of war there is a difficulty called gravewaller, while it works on the normal game mode pretty much fine as you can just grind things for op gear and it’s non permanent death, there is a dlc called baranors conquest or something like that, and OooooHHHH boy Is legitimately unfair and pure luck. It’s permanent death so you loose your useful gear, you must pray to whatever god you worship that whatever orc your fighting has some easy weakness to exploit. I am leaving out a part where you can hire mercenary’s to kill orca for you but they also rely on luck and what orc they are fighting. And since it’s buffed up it’s very hard to assist him in actual combat without stealth. There is a ton more details I can go over on why gravewaller on baranors conquest sucks but you get the point. There’s a line between Unfair And challenging but still possible. It just gets blurred a lot.


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