The Hardest Nerf In League of Legends History

🦀 Hecarim is Gone 🦀
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Edited by Kai:


28 thoughts on “The Hardest Nerf In League of Legends History”

  1. I love how they obliterate everything that made Hecarim Hecarim, but Rammus still gets to gank bot and top within 2 seconds of each other moving at Mach 5. On top of that Rammus doesn't kill you himself, no, he humiliates you by making you smash your own face onto his spikes. I do NOT think Hecarim deserved this nerf, first off… Only people in high elo actually knew how to carry games with him. Never had an issue in low elo and most of all the people in low elo who DID have an issue with him were just disrespectful af, no wards, pushed up after knowing they were getting camped or behind. Did he need a nerf? Sure, but not THAT much. Not completely gutted.

  2. Honestly, i think it was a bit much, the least they could've done to rectify the horrible damage on his E was make the mana cost a lot lower. It's 100 mana to use it and all you get is one basic attacks worth of damage.

  3. My old main, hecarim jungle, played the shit out of him, before he got nerfed i stopped playing only one champion and branched out into the support role, stopped playing jungle and hecarim all together, I take one break from hecarim and I come back to this? Fuck this game man, he's not unplayable but enjoy losing most games because you picked him LOL! nowadays I just main the support role, jungle got nerfed as well so not only is my champ shit my role is shit Atwell, so I chose a new role, support is lots of fun but I miss my hecarim 🙁

  4. Riot: let’s nerf Aphelios from busted to still decent but super high skill sealing
    Also Riot: let’s make Tristana she has a low skill sealing and insanely busted
    Me: thanks riot


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