The ideal Elder Scrolls 6: 13+ NEW features to improve the formula

Today I want to talk about what I think are the most wanted features for The Elder Scrolls 6! I love Skyrim to death, it still is a masterpiece today, but as time passed I think that whoever played it as much as me knows that although it is so good the formula can indeed be improved.

Coming from Skyrim the biggest topic for improvement is the dialogue:
After you speak to NPCs to introduce yourself they must know who you are and address you as that afterwards, and if you have any famous and particular title or name, they should know.
Bring back the dialogue wheel from Oblivion, but improve on it to convince NPC to side with you, or against someone in particular, or to do anything really.
Character dialogue should be more dynamic depeding on how you complete quests and what you do while interacting with them.
Dialogue needs more choices that don’t decrease the amount of content you can experience: here’s an example, if I refuse to join the Dark Brotherhood in Skyrim, I am just missing out on an entire quest line, but if I do that in The Elder Scrolls 6 there should be an option to join a faction that is a direct enemy to them, just like the war quest in Skyrim can be experienced as a Stormcloak or as an Imperial soldier!
Your choices should have cross-questline consequences! Imagine that The Elder Scrolls 6 has a warrior guild that is based on honor, honesty, courage, and yadda yadda yadda… you are part of the guild, but then, one day they find out that you are also part of the Thieves guild, what happens? They reject you from the guild and will hunt you down as a criminal!

The perk system of Skyrim allows players to become an actual god, the only choice you really make about your character is if you want to be a Vampire, a Werewolf or any of those, all the other perks can be active at the same time! You just choose which one you want now, and which one you will unlock later, so, to add more replay value they should bring back at least a level limit and a class selection at the start of the game, and if they want to go the extra mile, they should create some perks that can only be chosen over other perks to really build unique characters and increase the replayability with your next character.

Another topic that goes alongside dialogues, NPCs, quests and perks would be Fallout’s Karma system. Just borrow it from Fallout as it is, good actions give good karma, bad actions give bad karma.

The next improvement for The Elder Scrolls 6 should be done on the combat, in Skyrim, what matters in a fight is your build, and how much you manage to heal yourself with food, potions or magic. For starters, I would add some type of dodging ability, and then I think magic should be buffed, especially for the higher levels! Other than this, I would also like if they could find a way to keep the difficulty as constant as possible alongside the level progression without having bullet sponge enemies like it often happens in Skyrim on high levels.

It is well known that in Skyrim you can easily traverse any mountain, not matter how much vertical it is, if you ride a horse. Aside from preventing horses to do that, the best solution for this problem would be to introduce a climbing mechanic similar to the one in The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild, so that mountains cam be climbed by design, and not through a bug! To improve the environment further it would also be nice to introduce some form of destructibility to buildings, trees and other objects, just imagine how cool would it be if a dragon could destroy a house with a little effort! And this brings us to the next point.

I always hated how in Skyrim Whiterun remains damaged forever after the Stormcloaks conquer it, or how nobody ever cares to rebuild Helgen, so, to make up for this problem, it would be best if NPCs could work to rebuild cities and buildings after something is destroyed!

Smithing is one of the skills that I like to train a lot in Skyrim just to be able to craft whatever armor I want, but I always felt like it was underutilized. I mean, how is it possible that everyone in Skyrim forges every item in the same exact identical way? Realistically, every person would create items in its own way, and this could be done by allowing 2 or 3 sets of parts for each craftable item in order to customize what you craft! Every set should contain at least 10 options of customization for each item, so that there would be enough combinations to create a wide variety of armors and other items!

Another improvement I would really like would be a more engaging and fun way to train abilities like smithing, enchanting and alchemy.

#ElderScrolls6 #ElderScrolls #Skyrim

Intro 00:00
Dialogue, quests and NPCs 00:30
Perks and protagonist 03:03
Karma system 03:41
Better combat 04:02
Interact with the environment 04:44
Rebuild what’s broken 05:27
Customizable items 05:44
Better crafting and a little more realism 06:26
Bye bye 06:56


1 thought on “The ideal Elder Scrolls 6: 13+ NEW features to improve the formula”

  1. I'm pretty sure most of this things have been thought of, but the devs have to take into account consoles capacity, the average PC-player's computer specs, the time it will take to add every single feature, the spaghetti that would become the game design if it had too much adaptability, and the increase in bugs and glitch probabilities, as well as how much better their graphics and physics will have to be to get on with the current standards for games, all of this without starting to lose money, recovering their inversion and having the best possible gains. Quantity isn't always quality, and Bethesda already had struggled with that. Look at Cyberbug to see what happens when you try too many things at once, this is why Skyrim has less content than Oblivion did, and the same goes for current GTAs compared to, say, GTA SA.
    Dev teams look for ways to generate the more content with the least effort, even if that means creating illusions for the player, like the illusion of choice in Telltale Games. The Karma system + a Reputation system for each major city + multiple endings for each faction's questlines + More dungeon props and texture variety + decent animations + simple yet effective and engaging combat mechanics seem to me like some of the combinations that wouldn't be extremely hard to implement but would still have a lot of impact on the player's roleplaying experience. I like the idea of multiple layers of the same gear for visual variety.
    New sub!


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