The ‘latest instalment’ in the left’s popular game ‘let’s ruin everything’

Sky News host James Morrow says the world’s “woke self-appointed betters” are setting the culture wars up for a “food fight” after trashing everything from sports to schools.

“Today I want to bring you the latest instalment in the left’s favourite game, “Let’s Ruin Everything,” he said.

Mr Morrow highlighted a plan by President Biden to help out America’s hospitality industry by making business owners “jump through the hoops” of identity politics and critical race theory.

According to the US Small Business Administration’s (SBA) own website, for the first three weeks of the program applications will be taken only from “priority groups”.

“Socially disadvantaged individuals are those who have been subjected to racial or ethnic prejudice or cultural bias because of their identity as a member of a group without regard to their individual qualities,” The SBA website explained.

“Economically disadvantaged individuals are those socially disadvantaged individuals whose ability to compete in the free enterprise system has been impaired due to diminished capital and credit opportunities as compared to others in the same business area who are not socially disadvantaged.”

Mr Morrow said Mr Biden has made it “all about whether you’re ticking the right identity box” and not how hard hit you were by the pandemic.

The financial support targets those who are supposed “victims of society, or even better, capitalism and The System”.

“The left is trying to bring Woke War III to the dinner table.”


Categories N4G

23 thoughts on “The ‘latest instalment’ in the left’s popular game ‘let’s ruin everything’”

  1. Mafia run restaurants or that chef fool who owns more than 2500 restaurants helped save/? or run drugs, now that they made over bars and restaurants, distribution and loans, put them first?

  2. I wonder if white men who identify as women will be able to apply for SBA loans….lmfao!!! but why not… if they can be a woman to compete in sports, they can be a woman to compete for loans

  3. Let's be clear, this was a Plandemic. 99.9% recovery rate. Hydroxychloriquine and Ivermectin work, why would you take a vaccine that has not been approved by the FDA?


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