The League of Legends Game Ruining Mentality

The League of Legends Game Ruining Mentality

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19 thoughts on “The League of Legends Game Ruining Mentality”

  1. just had a game where 2 people were running it down mid and it was still some how my fault for the loss even though I had the most kills in the game. I love being a jungle main so this video is exactly what I need rn

  2. league mentality is the worst, people do well with a champ a few games and think they are all the sudden secret diamond players being held back by everyone else and god forbid you try to even give positive advice to anyone
    hey trist you probably shouldnt being trying to 1v1 ashe when shes 7-2 and your 0-5
    well its your fault im not fed sup diff (i was 4-3-11 on brand, 90% of that after bot lost tower and i left the lane)
    mids 60cs 2 kills and 3 levels behind because they wanted to roam top to try to snipe kills and get stomped by the other team support, must be the jungles fault
    its always someone else fault because everyone is a master league player being held back by scrubs

  3. Sylas was 7/1 and the rest of you were all feeding. How is that weak mental on his part? Why should he carry 4 people? If you don't want teammates to give up on you, stop feeding and giving up objectives. 0 drags, 0 barons, and you think just cause he has 7 kill on sylas that you will win? This isn't COD, kills don't mean a thing if you are losing objectives because your team is chasing stupid kills and being worthless. Keep playing like that and blaming the sylas and you will never leave gold.

  4. Was writing a nice essay about these kind of players. Mama yt does not like ugly words I describe these toxic individuals with and of course context does not matter either. Point is, these players are everywhere and reports dont do anything, you are just forced to grind through their whining.

  5. Rav, Sion got to the back of the pit through your right jungle entrance, you can briefly see him on the minimap. As sup make sure to always ward there when doing baron 😀 games like this one suck, gg and carry on, buddy


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