The LEAST Popular Class/Covenant Combinations In Shadowlands! – WoW: Shadowlands 9.0

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This video uses the available data that tracks who picked what covenant. It is unknown if its for the purposes of PvE or PvP, so it could be anyone’s guess. We can only speculate as to why people don’t play these covenants, most likely sims and guides telling them to play stronger choices, but maybe, just maybe, there is opportunity in all choices. Definitely interesting which covenants we keep seeing over and over in this video!

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Outlaw Rogue 9.0 PvE BFA Guide:

Outlaw Rogue 8.3 PvP BFA Guide:

Assassination Rogue 8.3 PvP BFA Guide:




32 thoughts on “The LEAST Popular Class/Covenant Combinations In Shadowlands! – WoW: Shadowlands 9.0”

  1. Necrolord Warrior's ability should've had the Banner equipped ON you instead of on the ground because in PVP or even PVE if you use it incorrectly people can just kite you away and boom its value just disappears. But if its only you then you are bigger threat and much more dangerous

  2. I play as a Venthyr Destro Lock. The Impending Catastrophe ability does do exactly what you mention applying Curse of Weakness or Curse of Tongues depending if the enemies are melee or spellcaster. It is super useful especially in M+ when a tank is starting to get chunked and the healer is trying to catch up on mana this utility helps allowing things to not hit nearly as bad on the group. It is honestly more of a group utility but not as many people went for group utility and instead went for just burst damage.

  3. I can tell you exactly why no warlock picked venthyr as I tried venthyr the second week of shadowlands but after three days switched to kyrian and its becasue it did around 3-5 procent of my overall damage in AOE and in single target I almost didnt want to cast it because it did around 1-2 procent of my damage. This was when i had arounf 11 procent haste and 20 procent mastery so all other class abilities are now doing even more damage relattively to impending catastrophy so I didnt want to have a dead ability most of the time.

  4. I had high hopes for Necro DH. Alas.
    It is the case of "Hey, read the description of this ability! Isn't it so HEAVY METAL?!" But then you use it and it is clunky af. The Idea is cool, but I doubt it can be used comfortably. For Fleshcraft – DH is a mobile class, and 4 second cast time feels very off. You might want to perform a set up as rouge as a part of the class fantasy, but DH just wants and needs to go BRRRR.
    So DH either goes venthyr for Nadja, Kyrian for brr seals or NF to macro "/cast Hunt /yell YOU ARE NOT PREPARED!" on BG.

    Also, who wants to cover your perfect elf bare chest and nipples with that messy fleshy joke of a necro leather transmog, anyway?

  5. before i rerolled my rogue(i just wasn't feeling the class lol) I went nightfea just for the simplicity. i dont have a Naga/g600 so i would have went with something with a passive if they had it. im hoping nightfea is just as simple on demon hunters (which turns out the dps ide is pretty much a rogue that flys, maybe i should do hunter lol) 🙂

  6. Venthyr's impending catastrophe is only decent for Affliction and mostly in, if not only, AoE situations due to it being extended by Darkglare and working with malefic rapture. For Destro and Demonology, it is pretty much a dead ability in its current state. It simply doesn't do enough damage. Casting it is essentially a dps loss. It does bring an okay utility value with its cursing but it is not very reliable on the so-called smart cursing. Being a Venthyr lock myself I'm very much hoping for an improvement on the ability or any sort of change for it to be viable for the other specs as well as being somewhat competitive with the other covenants.

  7. Im a guardian druid playing venthier legitimately for the soul bind tree from general draven it offers the most survivability from any of the trees and is honestly the only reason i am venthier. But its still timegated by another 3ish weeks so untill then all my mythic 10s+ are going to be sub optimal.

    And for a dps spec RF would be pretty darn good but for guardian its AWFUL (like haste is fine and all but compared to other abilities like NF it just dosent compete in my ability to survive in clutch situations)

  8. I'm having a blast with Fae Transfusion as an elemental shaman. I'm sure others know this already, but I haven't heard anybody mention: Fae Transfusion works with Master of the Elements. Makes for some really fun plays in pvp, especially 'cause nobody's expecting to see it since it's so underplayed.

  9. All the Covenants abilities of the rogues in Shadowland are very bad. They are heavy in performance like the venters and Kiria or they are bad animated. This abilites do not bring significant dps like other classes and this is very sad. Looking at the other classes, you feel this difference . If in other classes at least tried to come up with something new horns in fact, rogue given only dots.

  10. If they want to make Necrolord more popular, it's simple. Make Fleshcraft instant cast. It's the channel that makes it annoying to use. I actually have an alt Blood DK in Night Fae, and Death's Due is alright. The big issue I run into is with uptime because Crimson Scourge procs for a free cast of Death and Decay/Death's Due are unreliable. The Death's Due buff can fade off while waiting for that, which makes the rotation more of a hassle. Great video, thanks for the research, and it's interesting to see!

  11. I'm a night fae disci priest doing low to mid mythic keys with friends. The mobility is what sold it for me but I like the class ability too. Having an extra flexible cool down is nice, it can be a cool down for the tank or a mana cool down.

    The soulbinds are also so powerful. I don't know why nobody is playing this covenant

  12. I don't see any HAVOC demon hunters going Kyrian other than me. Plenty of Vengeance Demon Hunter's going Kyrian, but almost ZERO Havoc. Which is funny because i out dps every Havoc demon hunter i group with, even in Raids.

    It's better than Venthyr in dungeons by miles, especially since Phial of Serenity is actually useful for havoc unlike Door of Shadows (and more AoE damage obviously). But all the guides said "Venthyr best" so ofc everyone went Venthyr for Havoc, and now they're complaining about Havoc being shit. Like bro, switch to Kyrian.

    Plus, in Raids it's the better option for 6 out of the 10 boss fights in Heroic and Mythic imo. There are a lot of "kill this add or these adds fast" fights where Elysian Decree is just so much better than Sinful Brand because it's both AoE and Instant damage.
    (Huntsman, Sun King, Inerva, Council, Stone Legion, and Sire)

    So it'd say Kyrian Havoc is one as well Dal.


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