The Medium Interview [Kelly Burke] Marianne Voice Actress

The Medium Interview with Kelly Burke, the voice of Marianne who is the lead character of this incredible narrative driven horror title that provides a story like a psychological thriller. Xbox Store: [Ad]. This title follows Marianne, a gifted individual that can dive into the spirit realm. You use this mechanic to solve puzzles as you face off against various monsters or dive into mirrors to reach somewhere new.

Written Version:

The Medium Interview with Kelly Burke, the voice of Marianne in this excellent horror game where you’ll try to figure out the history of this location while dealing with spirits and crossing over to this terrifying other reality. It’s a crazy situation that will keep you guessing with light puzzles and neat narrative driven moments. It really goes all in on the story and is great because of it.

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#TheMedium Interview with Kelly Burke, the voice of Marianne in this exciting two world experience where you’re able to dive into this grim side of everything. This is backed by a very thrilling soundtrack that helps set the spooky atmosphere. There will be some surprises, ominous moments and it very much channels that classic Resident Evil or Silent Hill vibe that some may recall from years past. This is on #Xbox consoles.

There are many collectibles to gather, puzzles to solve and situations to explore as you attempt to figure out what exactly happened at this specific resort type area. It’s fairly dark for sure, providing a neat sense of atmosphere and many challenges to tackle along the way. There are monsters, lost secrets and hidden things that may pop up along the way. It’s wild, very eerie and it delivers in so many surprising ways for sure. The ultimate best The Medium Interview with Kelly Burke, the voice of Marianne.


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