The Medium Review "Buy, Wait for Sale, Rent, Never Touch, Raw?"

The Medium by Bloober team is a psychological 3rd person horror game. This is Karaks review of Medium for PC and xbox. Thanks to the dev and pub for the …


42 thoughts on “The Medium Review "Buy, Wait for Sale, Rent, Never Touch, Raw?"”

  1. This is the result of gamepass being cheap, you get what you pay for. They just need to sell an interesting idea in a shell of a game and throw it on gamepass, people will play it anyway why would they care!?

  2. Both of those worlds will be available to see at any time, and can be switched between seamlessly, meaning the game is rendering two separate locations simultaneously.
    Looks like your incorrect ACG

  3. You're usually my go-to for reviews, and I tend to agree with you most of the time, but not this one (and unfortunately, Vampry, which is just trash, although you said it was a buy; returned it the same day). I think the graphics are decent, perhaps certainly not for this current gen but perhaps circa 2019, and the game is intriguing. But as always I do appreciate your criticism, like I said, you're usually spot on. Either way, thanks for what you do.

  4. Looks whatever. I'll try it on gamepass so it'll be nice to complete on the weekend. Wasn't hoping much from this title but, considering my low expectations, maybe I'll enjoy it. Thanks for doing these reviews man.

  5. Only ps5 can fully eliminate this pop in… Ps5 has more than 2x the speed of xbox series x.. Xbox series x has 2.5 ssd speed while ps5 is the only platform at the market at this moment that has 5.5 ssd speed the difference is more than half 3 speed,. Sony advise is not to fully utilize it , but its all up to the developers if they want to use it… Only ratchet and clank use 5.5 full speed of the ps5 switching place to place in an instant in a large scale environment without any pop in according to digital foundry…. This medium game on xbox series x they need to adjust the rendering time according to xbox series x ssd capabilities.. Only ps5 can handle this to clean all the pop in.. To be honest i really don't like sony statement on ssd 5.5 , they want developers to make their games slow on ps5, to avoid disoriented by the players.. There are some players wants to take a break on loading time.. While i want instand loading or no loading at all. ..

  6. I'm glad I didn't go next gen yet. They need to figure these systems out or else there is no incentive to buy one. I'm disappointed with games I've seen so far. Barely any exclusives made specifically for next gen. Step it up!!

  7. This genre is so dead to me, nothing new has been done and everything in the pipeline is copy/paste. Could care less if it is on GP or free on Epic one day, just another overhyped game that is already dead.

  8. Ay man…imagine if The Medium was presented like you can switch thru worlds seamlessly similar to what Titanfall 2 did…I kinda think I would have preferred that, but I’m not too opposed to the split screen.

  9. Finally a honest review that along with the digital foundry the game is exactly what I thought it would be this game is another mediocre AA game for gamepass not the technical showpiece people were making it out to be I watched the 18 minutes on a high end pc and was not impressed and the animation is also rough!!


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