The Merchandise Event Is COMPLETELY Different! Genshin Impact

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19 thoughts on “The Merchandise Event Is COMPLETELY Different! Genshin Impact”

  1. This is probably for the people that just started the game, I was one of those people where I haven't explored the whole world yet and that dude was much further than where I found him. So I'm guessing that's why they did that….

  2. My guy love the vids you make but this is kind of miss information.
    It dose matter what box you open, for example i have today the cryo box with 60k mora and lets say i dont need mora and my friend have the pyro box or electro box with hero wits or talent books, i can go grab that one and have the good shit instead of the mora.
    There are 7 boxes total for everyone to open but each day they have different box, so you can farm the boxes that you need what they have inside like get just pyro box if you need xp books etc.
    Hope this helped some f2p peeps out there sorry for my english.

  3. actually going to a friends world can be good because lets say u want the hero wits u can go to the person world that has the pyro box everyday and eventually get 6×7 amount of hero wits, so its not like u cant claim the same reward more then once.


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