The Most Expensive Loadout – Escape From Tarkov

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44 thoughts on “The Most Expensive Loadout – Escape From Tarkov”

  1. Some of you aren’t taking into consideration how expensive the RSASS is right now. Plus the REAP. Plus the headgear, and the armor (while it’s not Slick expensive, it’s still not suuuper cheap), plus the ammo. All in all, it’s a pricey setup.

  2. Okay that was hella sus. Dude with a silenced ak is somehow seeing him with one of the worst night visions from a crazy distance through tree and bush cover and beating out a thermal doing so.

  3. question since i watched the stream and just noticed here as well he's using gssh's and i did hear there's sound bugs going on with comtact's or maybe the binaural sound isn't working right since 12.9 can anyone confirm this just so i don't wear the wrong headphones in raid. My proof was on woods and some guy ran up to me from behind i was using comtact's and he was at least 50 meter's away and closing before i could turn around and get a shot off then he clean headshot me instead?

  4. Dude I want to play tarkov so bad I tried buying it the other day and had problems with xsolla, had to contact them and my bank, and then it got stuck at awaiting payment submission. Tried contacting bsg and I’ve heard nothing wtf

  5. 6:16 and that’s why you don’t do test drive on woods. Ez 1.5 million lost in one raid because you tried to quest on woods… lmao. Lucky he didn’t get headshot by some mosin dude or some hunter lol


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