The Most IMPORTANT THING I've Learnt About OLYMPUS! (Apex Legends)

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The Most Important Thing About Season 7

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35 thoughts on “The Most IMPORTANT THING I've Learnt About OLYMPUS! (Apex Legends)”

  1. I solo q 95% of the time, but I feel when I 3 stack, or even 2 stack, the lobbies are waaay sweatier. So I'd rather go into duos and fight one good enemy and one average enemy by myself, than to squad up with one good teammate and one average teammate and fight 3 sweats. So basically I'm not adding you or squading up with you unless you are sweaty..

  2. 11:04 I would’ve left by then too though. Not because of rage, but because I’m here to play and have fun, not watch my teammate play. But mostly because it doesn’t look like he’s gonna respawn at all. He’s actively looking for fights during times where he could’ve made his way over, which is fine but also don’t expect people to stay when they see that.

  3. I consistently solo queue and while I still don't win every fight where I try to take on the full squad by myself id say I'm still squad wiping im at the same rate I was before but what I've noticed is the 3rd parties are non stop, people seem to come in for that third party every single time the rate of it is insane compared to the other seasons

  4. I'm always playing with garbage randoms. Since crossplay i now have some ps friends but they're rareley on when i am. Created a club and shared on a FB group where i know a lot of ppl play Apex… nobody responded. And the suggested clubs i have on the tab in-game have 4ppl max, usually just 1 or 2. Hard out here for a pimp

  5. He's not wrong, im a casual player only a 2.80 kd and i've only played the game solo since day one as most of my friends play other shit. It's fucking rough, rough to the point that most of the solo que community will die off soon. I could handle it last season somewhat, but this season kinda put an end too having fun as a solo.


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