the MOST INTENSE 1v1 I've ever had.. (Apex Legends)

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my friend @Zeus

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45 thoughts on “the MOST INTENSE 1v1 I've ever had.. (Apex Legends)”

  1. Guys I'm on the road to 280 subs, it would be greatly appreciated if I could get yall support and help me reach that mile stone, and if you dont want to help me that's fine as well, I just come with respect, no hate, I will copy and paste so yall know it was me here

  2. Hey Jankz. I am small content creator on yt. I was just wondering if you would want to play a couple of games with me. I not asking for shout out or anything. I am also not trying to use your clout to get my own. I just want to play some games and vibe. If you want to play some games just respond to my comment. Keep up the good work man! 👍

  3. I feel like skill based match making should be matching players with the amount of play time they have on the game. as well as kills and accuracy. So it wouldn’t matter if they make a smurf account because if their accuracy is good they’ll be matched with other good players.

  4. Players are asking for a useful octane buff which can help their teammates. The best buff for octane could be super fast res. What I'm trying to say is that when u revive a teammate octane injects a stim in him/her and u get revived under 4 secs and the teammate runs fast as f boi for 10 sec and u also regen health till the stim lasts!

  5. Jankz being one of the few people that actually understands: it’s not SBMM, it’s the matchmaker.

    The trouble for all but pros is NOT SBMM, it’s when the game prioritizes connection over skill level and you end up with people in a game above your level. AKA a failure of SBMM

  6. I love you jankz you really made me wanna post my own apex vids.. I’d really appreciate it if people could follow me and relate to me; loving you but also being an ammeter at the game – shows people we can appreciate pros like you but also try our best and be as good as we can ❤️❤️ I’d do anything to play with you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  7. Sbmm is a problem. I am an average player, my biggest kill count is on Bloodhound and only on bh (2500)
    While I sometimes get lucky with a 1k Bloodhound or Wraith that are playing averagely (is this a word?) really well, I also get put in with level 10's while facing enemies with 19k kills. It's ridiculous. I play casual and only want to have fun but that's hard when a 19k squad pops up and my teammates have both their thumbs up their noses.

  8. My issue with sbmm is im not even that good and most of the time im in super sweaty lobbies. U guys can deal with preds but I have never killed a pred or even survived a battle in these super strong lobbies. 3 games in a row I was put in pred and diamond lobbies. I stopped playing after I smashed a glass bottle on my desk because of the rage lol


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