The Most Selfish Champion in League of Legends

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25 thoughts on “The Most Selfish Champion in League of Legends”

  1. Kayle OTP and Youtuber here.

    I 100% agree with Skooch. She's complete garbage as a champion. Not so much in midlane because she actually has a ton of advantages with a short lane but toplane she's actually dogshit tier; especially in high elo where games end 5 minutes sooner.

    She's literally the worst top laner you can pick in high elo and I would not recommend maining her to anyone (even if I am incentivized to do so).

  2. Everything you said is damn true. As a Kayle main tho imma leave a dislike.
    Love you Skooch, you better do an apology video for daring to talk shit on Kayle (even though everything you said was 100% true)

  3. I've had people play ranged tops and akali/assassin tops complain to our team about not initiating or protecting them.

    I'm a top main that every now and then flexes away from that horrible role, and every time I flex I see one of those whiny bastards, without fail.

  4. While I'm kind of an idiot and therefore should never be in charge of balancing anything, I've always throught Kayle was pretty cool aesthetically and I loved the rework because, well, it looks cool.
    One thing that always confused me though, was since she's so utterly reliant on her E early game, why does it only empower a single auto attack?
    Would it not be so much more efficient if it was something like Kog Maw W, and gave her an Auto buff (perhaps not as strong as the current one?) for 5 seconds or so?

  5. Her lvl 1 and occasionaly lvl 2 is actually strong with pta. I always try to duel early with her and people underestimate her too much, so i can easily get a first blood and make my way to lvl 6 a litle easier, cuz after lvl 1-2 she sucks and everone beats her 😀
    U can beat lvl 1 a lot champs, but not all, and its funny how they dont expect to die to her early.

  6. In short, Kayle is a heavily team dependant cham in a position where the team should be depending on to open the combat. the team might not benefit much from 2 super carries while an extra tanks/fighter/skirmisher is always welcomed.

  7. I feel like kayle should be played mid for that reason, she doesn't take away TOO much CC from the team, and she does more damage than an adc late game cuz the enemies are too worried stacking armor and forget about MR

  8. Kayle E is actually pretty good in skirmishes as it have missing health damage which makes it good for follow ups. Her q is also a slow. She is better at supporting a strong jungler and following up on their damage than being the sole damage dealer. She's no renekton, but she's not as useless as she seems.
    Also, wave manegement

    Edit: and also the ult is one of the best in the game. It's basically a Zonias (probably the strongest item in the game) where you can move during the effect and with a build in nuke. Plus you can target other champions with it.

    And yes, I'm a Kayle main salty about this video, but I also have like 65% winrate with her 🙂

  9. I'll put my take here:

    Kayle is a great character, but she's part of an archetype, which makes League so unique, and by being part of this archetype she can't have too much strength early on without being either the most broken champ or not so great in late cause of power budget. She has a high lvl 1 trade power against most of top laners. Lvl 2-5 is really awful, Lvl 6 makes her able to poke the enemy top disabling the option to just all her in.

    Her Ult is so strong it's just dumb to do something about it, making it like Taric's ult would kill the purpose since you're supposed to be protected by the ult not killed right off the bat. On top of that, you can already move while casting the spell so you can use it on the ally that's in need and replace yourself at the same time. Being able to AA while doing it would be turbo-broken even if you remove the dmg cause of her hybrid scaling on top of crit which makes her able to play either burst like mage playstyle as full AP or full on DPS as AD.

    On top of that, most of her power comes from the three first items as AD which are KS, Manamune and LDR ofc if you're building the highest DPS build.

    Kayle is a lot of fun but requires mastery and knowledge of the other champs to get favorable matchups. You can win game by Blindpicking her but I really do not recommend it.

    Better take on this Kayle rant from Kai, Skooch's editor on the Kayle subreddit.

  10. Im gonna be honest skooch kayle is in a rather good state right now people that know how to play her become usefull lvl from lvl 6 and lvl 16 isnt even that hard of a powerspike its nice but lvl 11 kayle is a monster aswel

  11. Sorry skooch but i cant agree with this one. Kayle is above 50% wr in both her roles rn, has a variety of builds and is a rewarding champion if you put some time into her. Nemesis was even abusing her on solo queue and has been abusing her this whole season. This looks like the opinion of someone who doesn't play kayle consistently. Btw her lvl 6 is stronger than you think and at lvl 1 kayle can actually 1v1 a good amount of top laners with pta and E

  12. I actually have very fond memorise of this champ. When i started playing, she taught me league, taught me how to play save in lane and reach my powerspikes. As a beginner it was also good to know that i would be strong eventually

  13. Yes, that might be true, but hear me out: Kayle can also go mid and she's so much better. Not only that: she's over 50% win rate in the top lane in every league, 51.5% in challenger. That number goes up to 56 freaking % if she's played in the mid lane in challenger, where players are supposed to close games fast.

    So yes, she's selfish and your team hates having you early on, but you're not as useless, and she doesn't deal that much DPS, but a good ult on other champions turns tides.


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