The Most TOXIC Time in League of Legends

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27 thoughts on “The Most TOXIC Time in League of Legends”

  1. … is it really that bad if the enemy team collectively is fking around? I mean, it’s normals right? A group of friends and I took 5 smites and jungled together before, fully accepting we’d lose, because we wanted to do something unexpected for the entertainment value lol.

    It’s wholly different if you’re griefing somebody on your team, but at a glance it seems like maybe they’re in on it ?

  2. I can't play anything but support because if I go something like mid someone's gonna troll or ban the champion I want to play. This game literally never felt that terrible to play before.

  3. Bruh, I get amumu jungle afk lv2 and then alistar support afk lv5 in a RANKED game… league kinda feels unplayable in pre season, which sucks because I genuinely like the new items. Just think some characters should be limited on the use of certain mystic items

  4. This game is not balanced and the ranked system doesnt even measure YOUR skill,its based off team performance.We re all just addicted and cant quit,even though we know its full of bullshit

  5. Is it only me that doesnt encounter this everything more than like once in 2 years or is it just that EU servers are just tryhards no matter if you play normal drafts – Like legit im xping my acc on EUW (Im not smufing – I just most of my time in league i play one EUNE and wanted to check the 2nd server lul) and im like 20th ish level there and people flame eachother for not taking the most optimal builds rather than trolling each game.

  6. Alright, so I have been playing a lot of League lately (6-7 games a night, every night), and preseason has been quite harsh. Almost every game there's either an AFK, a troll, or someone who flames literally everyone playing when something doesn't go exactly how they want. I'm not saying that I hate the League community right now, all I'm saying is that January 8th cannot come fast enough.

  7. I left when they changed aatrox ult to LITERALLY HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THE LORE and recently returned and first ranked match reminded me of the main reason I left (besides aatrox) salt salt and toxic salt

  8. tbh just go draft, i play it since i started playing league and its very rare for someone to int cuz they didnt get their lane and i dont have to sweat my ass off just because someone might type my role faster than me

  9. Personally, League hasn’t been that bad since Preseason. Then again, I play with the chat turned off because I’m in lower elo but I haven’t gotten people trying to int. or that many rage quitters. In the past three weeks, so about twenty games, I’ve gotten three rage quitters or int’ers. Which is good by League’s standard. I think the problem is only worsened by how many people are playing in quarantine.


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