The NEW Miss Fortune Meta | League of Legends (Season 10)

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23 thoughts on “The NEW Miss Fortune Meta | League of Legends (Season 10)”

  1. "Items without attack damage are useless on MF"

    Season 11 Rageblade would like a word with you. able to apply crit. damage bonuses on two targets with a Q bounce and rageblade sounds nice.

    Plus season 11 will allow for true critical strike, lethality builds.. for ridiculous ult damage.

    edit: (example with the items Ive seen glimpses of).

    something like:
    ninja tabis or speed boots
    Last Whisper critical strike item
    Lethality critical strike item
    edge night

  2. Hey MF god, I just started playing league a few weeks ago, and I really like playing Miss fortune, and ofc the legendary sanguine blade build, but my friends who are in low diamond tell me that sanguine blade is only to be used for top lane. They also say that the only Miss Fortune build I should go is “Crit MF”. My only argument I can really think of is that you say that if ur in low elo u should go this build. Any arguments you can think of that could help me?.

  3. Qotd:
    Normal Circumstances: Take a zip from my Tea, then pointing out summoner spells and runes
    Very rare circumstances: Take a zip from my Coffee, then again point out summoner spells and runes

    Basic, effective and always very good to make a gameplan.

  4. QotD: I have been playing Among Us between matches.


    Level 2 advantage gained and a level 2 gank is not an option for Xin Zhao because his Flash is on cooldown and Aphelios at level 1 is crap, so it is safe for Miss Fortune and Leona to pressure the lane for awhile as a high ranked Xin Zhao player would likely path to Brambleback as a third camp and from there aim to gank a solo lane or invade your top side jungle.


    3 vs 4 and one of the allies is a level 3 Pyke. Fighting for the Rift Scuttler was so stupid. You eat that camp when it is convenient, not requiring you to pull laners away from their own cs when Lillia could have eaten the respawning Krugs. 😩


    Control Ward-Health Potion > Faerie Charm


    If Miss Fortune fast pushes, Aphelios and Rakan would be free to slow push when they return and deny cs from Miss Fortune. It would be too risky for her to overextend for cs. At the very least Miss Fortune will gain exp from the next wave by doing this.


    Aphelios gains more attack damage from his passive. At this point he has 20 more attack damage than Miss Fortune.


    Lillia should have pathed top side and cleared her camps and looked to eat Rift Herald and convert that into tower plates for top lane. By doing this you may give up Mountain Drake, but you risk much less. This dive is a gamble. The gold differential doubled after.


    Unrelated to Miss Fortune, but IgNar (Renekton) has long been one of my favourite players. He has excellent awareness and shotcalling ability, even in solo ranked. He manages to escape Xin Zhao and Sylas and then returns with allies to punish Xin Zhao. It would have been nice to see him support.


    Renekton and Pyke are not strong team skirmishers. Posturing around the river like this was a bad decision.


    Nice Flash.


    Support gap has been a large detriment for blue team this game. A player who should be a Bard one trick, arbitrarily picks Leona to pair with Miss Fortune.


    Xin Zhao is already practically useless thanks to Miss Fortune. If he moves back he is dead.


    This time Xin Zhao knew that Miss Fortune had to be killed immediately.


    Aphelios red weapon has the most healing power.

    Very good analysis again, MFDB. This is an entertaining series.

  5. I like this rune page but I'm curious about other options for itemization.. could you possibly list some other item build paths I could take with this rune page? Not just alternate items but like complete builds in the order you would build items. Also wondering if this would work with muramana or if it would take too long to snowball


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