The ONLY MACRO GUIDE You'll EVER NEED – League of Legends Season 11

The ONLY MACRO GUIDE You’ll EVER NEED – League of Legends Season 11
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0:00 – Introduction
0:48 – The 3 Zones on the Map
4:05 – Real Game Example
5:43 – Where Each Role Should be Going
6:38 – Low Elo Example
8:25 – The Pressure Zone
10:17 – The Importance of Vision
14:59 – Outro

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48 thoughts on “The ONLY MACRO GUIDE You'll EVER NEED – League of Legends Season 11”

  1. Haven’t raged in a while until today losing tier rank from 3 straight losses over wards/vision and not being grouped around objectives/rotations.

  2. Honestly this macro helped me a lot even as an adc. My team always flame me when I'm not around for a fight and I was collecting waves in collection zone. Just be patient and with gold advantage over enemy adc, I finally carried the game single handedly. Works almost all the time. Why almost? Because sometimes, your team will just int over and over again becaust they're tilted

  3. And what you high elo players can't seem to understand is the team will fight whether or not you are there and instead of a 50/50 team fight its ends up being a clean ace and you getting flamed for pushing a side lane

  4. I have 2 questions:
    (I’m gonna give 2 scenario’s and ask what to do)
    1. Let’s say every wave of us has been pushed in but there is no objective, what do I (as a toplaner, I play jax) have to do with my team or alone?
    2. I have pushed my wave into their zone, and baron is up but our botlane is pushed. What can I do then, still try and force baron or should I farm bot or should I stay top?

  5. So this is the guide that cause people in my silver games to just split farm all game and never group up thanks helps out the game a lot cause silver players using challenger strategies is the best fuck hell

  6. I'm iron 4 and once the minion wave gets shoved into my tower I can never push it back for some reason (mainly because I'm gonna get killed by the opponent I feel like I farm the rest of the game under tower so I always just shove the wave instead of slow pushing but I am always told not to Idk what I'm doing wrong

  7. I’ve done a lv1 two man mid to stop talon from snowballing early cuz I know roamers. And taking mid Tower is more important than my CS.

    It was a talon mid vs a clearly newbie Azir.

    I successfully made talon back 3 times making him lose 25 cs less than azir and asked my jg to gank with me at my bot lane lv 4 and nabbed a kill and drake.

  8. My question is…if you're a mage like Syndra, why can you not side lane? Generally these types of champions like Symdra, Veigar, Anivia, Malzahar etc have INSANE burst capabilities so, if they play it right, they can 100 to 0 an squishy target with no problem (Think Veigar Q + R). Then why can they not do so and keep pushing?

  9. As a jungle main, this video actually helped me alot. i went from hardstyuck gold 4 to currently being in promos to plat. im avg well over 6,5-7 cs now, just because i pick up my teams "Slack" and thats a big amount of gold in terms of leads 😀

  10. Idk if I agree with this advice for low elo. I can tell you from experience that your team always will fight 4 v 5 if you aren't around in low elo then they will all die leaving you to fight the entire enemy team. I get its the correct thing to do but I also think you have to play around what you know for a fact your teammates will do

  11. This is all relative content and this video doesn't say much. It all depends on the game and on your team. This is not how you win games, especially in low elo. If you carry and are good, you need to make a difference in your lane (winning hard), then join the team and make the difference in team fight and win. To apply correct macro decisions you need to watch the single game and have the ability to synthesize information on your team champs, current map situation (waves), objectives time/spawn, current progress of champions in the map, vision, enemy cooldowns tracking….this ain't just know collection zones…


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