The ONLY Samira Guide You'll EVER NEED – League of Legends Season 10

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This is the only Samira guide you’ll ever need.

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Concepts: Best ADC 10.19, Best support 10.19 best mid laners 10.19, best junglers 10.19, best top laners 10.19 patch 10.19 rundown, 10.19 lol, 10.19 changes, Azir nerfs 10.19, Twisted fate nerfs 10.19, Caitlyn nerfs 10.19, Senna nerfs 10.19, Nunu nerfs 10.19, Talon nerfs 10.19, Ahri buffs 10.19, Sivir buffs 10.19, Vayne buffs 10.19, Aphelios buffs 10.19, Sylas buffs 10.19, Ivern buffs 10.19, Udyr buffs 10.19, Irelia buffs 10.19,

0:00 Intro
1:36 QOTD
1:54 Abilities
5:26 Runes and Items
6:14 Playstyle
7:43 Tips and Tricks
9:57 Conclusion
10:36 Outro

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34 thoughts on “The ONLY Samira Guide You'll EVER NEED – League of Legends Season 10”

  1. Guide is wrong, there is faster way to get S rank than stated AA > Q > AA > W (first hit) > E > W(second hit). Since W attacked at both the start of cast and end of cast you can use it twice to your advantage for R.

    Basically the combo they have posted adds an extra AA.

  2. Don’t you just hate it in lower elo’s (Silver and below) people just pick Samira in ranked and int when she hasnt even been out for more than 2 days. Smh. My promo games.

  3. Ok so I fought Samira got first blood with yasuo, and she got 3 Kills on me with 3 man cheese gank. She snowballs and by the way her pistol does 25%. Of your health right away and the Samira, she just demolished me in lane with those 2 to 3 Kills and the person was rushing deaths dance.she didn't even build any crit items, which pisses me off. So if she's behind she is dog shit, so I was thinking she's a super glass Canon but when ahead she's feels like theirs no counter or outplay potential in a 1v1 situated scene.

  4. can someone please expain how her passive works when someone CC's the enemy? Do i left click or right click on the enemy? Im still confused about the conditions to dash in at the enemy when they're cc'd. Is there a specific range too?


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