The ONLY Seraphine Guide You'll EVER NEED – League of Legends

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The Ultimate Seraphine Guide

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Concepts: Best ADC 10.22, Best support 10.22 best mid laners 10.22, best junglers 10.22, best top laners 10.22 patch 10.22 rundown, 10.22 lol, 10.22 changes, Karthus nerfs 10.22, lulu nerfs 10.22, samira nerfs 10.22, Zed nerfs 10.22, Xayah buffs 10.22, Leblanc buffs 10.22, Sejuani buffs 10.22, Nasus buffs 10.22, Brand buffs 10.22, Annie buffs 10.22, Ashe buffs 10.22, Jinx buffs 10.22, Seraphine 10.22,

0:00 Intro
0:41 Overall Thoughts
1:13 Strenghts
2.20 Weaknesses
3:46 Abilities
9:02 Build
11:39 Laning
13:05 Teamfighting
15:00 Conclusion
15:21 Outro

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41 thoughts on “The ONLY Seraphine Guide You'll EVER NEED – League of Legends”

  1. riots officially gave up on original champs and is just going for cash grab champs and promotions dont believe me.

    example 1 – passive is wukongs ultimate recast passive just with music added to make it look different and attack range is increases because idk anni wasnt unique enough to have this passive and rapidfire cost money so here have it for free.
    example 2 – first ability is zigs bomb that does missing health damage and massive ap damage. <-standard poke ability
    example 3- second ability is literally sona aura abilities with all her passives packed all in one( movement speed, shield and heals) not just that but can shield and heal entire team like karma except it is not an ultimate ability like it should be.
    example 4- ability 3 (again screw you sona creator this champ needs it more then her) basically sona ult that can be cast twice if having echo, not only slows but can also root and stun enemy champs. if you thinking it only slow think about the hundred other cc abilities other champs have combo' d with her, she doesn't even need echo. Stuns for everybody its like Orpah in here.

    example 5- and finally her ultimate, its like the creator of ahri and ezreal said how do we make a ult again, looked at each other and said ehh lets mix our champs together this will be fun and screw every champ that has a pull or charm while your stuck hitting minions i get to bypass all minions and terrain and also hit multiple enemies woooohoooo i can sing therefore i am stronger.

    so before thinking wow man shes original in her own way, shes a cool champ, she's fair, her abilities are creative.
    think for a second if sona had her abilities all on one button on a 5 second cooldown including ult yes even her ult that is this champ. Also if ezreal had a stun on his global ult (not so global for her but all the same) sounds balanced right or what if ahri's charm went through minions and hit multiple champs sounds very fair right while every other champ has a debuff , slow or a delay for using such a op ability.
    and just for sh**'s and giggles lets make all her abilities(thankfully not her ult) echo because wukong wasnt cool enough to be the only one to have this skill.

    Sorry for the rant but thats my thoughts. If riot doesnt care about its original champs and how unique they "WHERE" then how can we expect them to create a champ that is unique in its own way? simple they cant because dollar signs are covering there eyes gotta have that next music video, not the glorious view of players having fun playing the game with a fresh champ that isn't busted right out the gate. The fact she already has a guide proves she isnt unique.

  2. Doesnt rylais have great synergy with seraphine because if you hit your e when you have rylais it instantly roots? Or if you have the double cast thingy with rylais its a stun…

  3. Imagine she came from another dimension like from a modern world and somehow she got super powers and there was a portal and hears the souls of people who are sad so she went through it and saw the rift and the characters there, so thats why she looks like that and does not live there bcs shes from another dimension and she sings for them and for the inocent; that would of been dope

  4. Ive been non stop playing genshin and finally reached AR 40

    So while waiting for the next area to be updated, I go back to league… and here I see sona on steroids… what just fuckin happened these 2 months while Im gone

  5. Seraphine just did what I like to call a “yone” where mains of an older champ start to main a new champ that is similar to their previous main. This happens to me I was originally a sona main and now after seeing seraphine I’ve played her every Match since her release and I have decided to main her.

  6. Seraphine rush 40cdr with 1 item and cdr boots than buy rylai(against something with high movementspeed bruiser like sett or renekton)or zhonya (against assasins) for defense than rabadon or lichb. and spam duble W each time u can and slow or root with rylai enemies if ur team has some hp u will outsustain ur team
    Btw dont buy ardent if ur team contanis 5 caster or tank istead buy redemtion
    Missing rune :phase rush if u want bonus safety and easy to use with ur double cast and high autoattack range
    Possible rune: elecro just like phase rush easy to procc but it gives u more dmg but i prefer eary and phase for poke and safety
    Use W to dodge cc on lane otherwise save it for double cast to survive a gank or an all in
    Ad if a yasuo, yone or an assasin can close the distace u died for sure

  7. Original champ. Sona+neeko+ahri. Lets bet: I guess next champ will have udyr stun+ fiora dash+ 3 trundle pilars that do dmg as his R+ old ryze R as his passive. Some stupid sh/t like this. Comment bellow on how rito will use/reuse already available skills from different existing champs. Oh, dont forget to buy skins, specially when rito humiliates players with the fuked up match making (placing you in a team that doesnt has the same skill as you do, not for a long shot)


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