The Parkour Incident

Admittedly, Sonic Lost World’s Parkour System was lacking when it came down to overall structure. If memory serves me correctly… the mere act of scaling up or running on the walls slowed the game down to a crawl, and jumping away from the walls in order to stop yourself from automatically running up them ALONE didn’t benefit anything in the long-run. Either over bottom-less pits, or trying to escape death in the most unlikely of situations… you’ll find yourself wondering why the game’s parkour system is the way it is, and why the overall mechanics are lack in-terms of balance.

But a guy named “MrMediamanx” decided to experiment with the idea that Sonic Lost World established, and make it so the concept of parkour would actually work with the character. But when I say that, I’m not just referring to the engine itself… no– Sonic knew that in order for him to test out his new abilities, he should also dress for the occasion as well. (Clothing that suits his “free as the wind” nature really suits his overall dynamic.) Being able to pull-off even the fanciest of tricks requires adjustable running speed [like in “Lost World”] and the sudden need to get fancy with how you pull off tricks, but I can’t say for certain that Sonic will survive any of this in the slightest, given what this video’s thumbnail might indirectly be foreshadowing…

If you guys want to give this a try, then perhaps you should click the link down below. I REALLY love this fan-game, and it deserves a lot more attention than you think. It’s exceptionally rare to see a 3D Sonic Fan-Game try to pull off the concept of parkour these days, so I highly recommend that you give it a shot whenever you’re feeling bored. [I apologize if the game suddenly freezes during a few parts. I realized that those “police cars” are the cause of all of this… so whenever I saw them from a distance, I just tried to run away from them in order to keep that from happening.]

Sonic XLR8 (The first “Fully 3D Game” I recorded on my channel.)

If you want to contact me, then please use the links that I’ve provided down below. I’m a game-developer, so if you’d like to assist me with any of my projects (or want me to make something for you)… then please contact me with these as well.

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G-Luigi (RTD Productions)


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