The PROBLEM With Genshin Impact That Might RUIN It! Genshin Impact

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35 thoughts on “The PROBLEM With Genshin Impact That Might RUIN It! Genshin Impact”

  1. I love Genshin, but the game sort of feels incomplete. Like there is something missing. I've already seen a lot of people leave. If something doesn't change they're gonna end up killing their own game.

  2. In the real world change is surely fast. If you can't it up, you are done. But sometimes there is nothing wrong to slow down for a while and enjoy things with others you already forgot because you we're too busy with your mad life

  3. The problem for players is rushing the progression of their characters the game WITHOUT enjoying and appreciating the story/lore of the people and the other stuff that happened before the "Traveller" arrived at Teyvat. I'm a casual F2P, about to approach AR54, and I haven't read a single damn book I've collected, and I have problems leveling up my other chars. My reputation in Mondstadt and Liyue haven't reached maximum yet. The highest floor I've gotten to in Spiral Abyss is 11-2. Those things that I haven't done yet keeps boredom away from me, that's why I still enjoy playing this game.

  4. And that's why you were not supposed to refresh resin. Its obvious if you rush the game you'll hit this wall before the content is able to keep up. And yes there are many things to do, you can max out your characters, all of them, you can max out your weapons, you can farm artifacts to get ''perfect ones'', you can farm the whole map for items, so that you are ready for the next content. There's a steady stream of events and upcoming content.

    And yes maybe the game is in complete, cause guess what, it is incomplete… This is just like a 20% of the game or less.

    Have u gotten all the game achievements? no? thought so.

  5. DSgaming I respect u but this game IS incomplete only 5-10 percent of the game is only out and pvp will kill this game in a week probably less with characters we r getting and got how do people not realize this? The only issue I have with this game is very minor like why do WEEKLY bosses cost 60 resin and why the resin time is 8 minutes per resin when every other gacha game is 5 minutes I could continue but this comment is long enough

  6. Spiral Abyss exists. Kinda keeps you busy until your characters are Superman or smth I guess. Takes a long ass time to get to that point as f2p. Understandable you already reached it by paying so enjoy the lack of endgame I guess.

  7. PVP would be fun. It doesn't even have to be players fighting each other, they could have some kinda mechanics like beating monsters for points and then activate some kinda structure to take away some of the opponent's HP, it is a PVP still but it'll become a race against your opponent too.

  8. I like the current genshin impact. For me, the story line is the most interesting part. And every month they provide us with new stories, region, characters, challenges, mechanism. I am always excited for the next patch content.

  9. This is a character building game. If you have like 90% of your characters at lv 90 with max talents (no crowns obviously) maxed out weapons AND above average rolled Artifacts only then the Endgame becomes an issue IMO. Aslong as there is use for the ressources I accumulate I consider it fine but once I actually have to think why or what for I should spend my resin because I'm more or less done then the concers should start.
    Even then genshin is totally fine as an on and off game just play 2-3 weeks into the new patch and wait for another one

  10. May not be the best comparison but the main reason i quit pokemon go back then was the lack of endgame/ they finally did it so yeah..for genshin, raids, coop abyss and non resin stuff would solve this

  11. Alot of people complaining about the game being repetitive and lacking content when in reality they are the one's who just rush the main story and basically just ignore the world quest story(which in my opinion is hella interesting cause there is really a story behind it. Heck even commissions have story's in them lol. Ella Musk and Bao'er's for example) Also I somewhat agree to a comment I read that a whale kinda ruin the game for themselves only if you kinda always waste primo on resin refresh just to grind of a few artifacts or mats. You're basically trying to rush in one day an activity that's good for a few whole weeks. I get that the drops are bad but that's kinda the point of grinding for it for a week or two. To get decent drops. Not try and grind it for a solid one or 2 days and complain afterwards. I'm not against people who uses refreshes or fragile resin to rush their artifacts but the thing is, you "rushed" your artifacts that's why you have almost nothing else to do. And dont get me wrong I have no issues with whales who pulls on the banners to get characters or weaps. But if you use primogems alot to refresh your resin. Then I find that to be a problem. Finally. I do believe the game is not intended to be played for hours on end. (Hence why there is a limit to the amount of resin you could use in a day) and I think that is what the problem is with most players. Once they used up all their resin and refreshes. And dealt with the mods they wanna deal with. They still wanna keep playing like they havent actually been playing for 5-10 hrs non-stop. I do believe the game is made to be a leisure game intended to just give you a breather from the outside world. And not to be totally submerged in it all day long. I honestly dont have any issue if you wanna play the game non stop. But I would like to think this is just a leisure game that is good to be played for a few hours so I dont get why people complain about having nothing to do with the game after a few hours when I think that's the whole point of it. To play the game for a few hours and move on with your life. And maybe comeback to it after a few hours when you get a few resins back. Just my opinion though. Overall I really love the game so far. I'm AR50 and it's a great game to relieve stress and escape schoolworks for a few hours.

  12. If you want to have content, finish the Spiral Abyss using only 4* characters. Or some 5* with 4* only equipment. Or emulate the equipment and team loadout of non-whale players, then finish Abyss with that.

    That's years of content right there

  13. Like I've been playing genshin impact since it started till this month… Playing it like wake up ,genshin, sleep non stop till i got a part time job like a week ago every problem i had with genshin just gone away example b4 i complain about the resin but now i have a job i legit don't mind the about the resin i get cuz i don't have time to play genshin and the problem with genshin is people are speedrunning it

  14. They need to implement some form of endless something… possibly attach it to a leader board that resets on patch.. they Need to remove the cap on the amount of condensed resin we can hold

  15. People who rush and play 12h a day for 2-3 months refreshing stamina must calm down. Most of people who play genshin are not in end game and there is a lot of stuff to do. If whales have nothing to do thats OK … log in do dailys and log off and do something else. I hope Mihoyo dont rush development and release everything fast just because 1% of player base love to complain about everything

  16. Currently at ar 54 even with new content they don’t release enough a couple quest here and there a boss fight then it’s the same thing you can usually complete all the new content in two hours but they lock 🔒 it with days restrictions but at the end of the day it one 2 hours of content they just try to stretch it …. oooohhh yeah and pvp is coming to genshin another way to make money for the company you better believe it


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