The Role of Video Games in Neuroscience – #110

Matt James Davis, PhD from the Brain Matters podcast joins this week to discuss the intersection of video games, brain research and neuroscience. What does brain research into video games tell us? What uses do video games have in conducting research? We also cover all the other recent news and rumors like something happening between Microsoft and Nintendo, the Indie World presentation, and much more. We close the episode with the games we’ve been playing. Listen to Super Switch Headz on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube or wherever you enjoy podcasts.

0:00:00 Introduction
0:08:53 News and Rumors
0:40:30 Video Games and Neuroscience
1:21:45 Games We’re Playing

Brain Matters Podcast:



Categories N4G

3 thoughts on “The Role of Video Games in Neuroscience – #110”

  1. Wasn't expecting a shout-out, thanks for that.
    But yeah, F-Zero isn't even a historically bad seller for Nintendo. GX sold better than Metroid Prime 2 and 3, and now we're getting Prime 4 and have since had Prime Hunters, Prime Pinball, Federation Force, Other M, etc.
    It really seems like Nintendo just doesn't have any producers who want to revisit F-Zero and Miyamoto has said he doesn't want to hand the reigns to a 3rd or 2nd party studio.
    Also yeah, keep Falcon in his car. I'd love a bounty hunter brawler set in the f-zero universe for sure, but I moreso want an actual return to f-zero as we know it.

  2. With games effecting my real life I know sometimes I fucked up and I was like that’s ok I just reload from last save before this happened and I am like this isn’t Pokémon I can’t just save then load when I fuck up somewhere. This is real life!

    As for Phasmophobia I played it for VR! Matt we need to play it!


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