The Solo Experience With Fuse In Apex Legends!

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So many clutch scenarios solo in this game, let me know your thoughts on no filling pubs.

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24 thoughts on “The Solo Experience With Fuse In Apex Legends!”

  1. Give % – rp to duo/trio’s. So if you are in a dup your rp gained is cut by 33%, you squad up with a trio then your rp is cut by 66%.

    The readoning behind this is because everything above plat/diamond is minimum duo squads. In diamond or above most people are trio’s

  2. MATCH1N first an foremost, your the reason why I play fuse. Your decision making and creativity is insane. Question, if you could improve Fuse in anyway, what would it be? His ultimate? Tactical ? What would it be

  3. it’s amazing how many people are unaware of fuse’s steam rolling capability. A good timed motherload nade spam plus the knuckle and you wipe players and squads. I’ve always liked him but lately it has been my main, replacing Maggie. I also wish I’d enjoy no fill . Usually I quit if I’m the last alive and my squad has disconnected because I can’t enjoy playing alone. Don’t know why.

  4. Yeah, sadly the audio gets worse every season , you’re awesome with fuse bro, I was having fun playing fuse last night but I never got a 2k with any of my players yet, mainly because I either get third or fourth partied or the squads die too fast when I do do good


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